Rathwell, Scott
Associate Professor
Kinesiology & Physical Education
- Phone
- (403) 329-5188
- scott.rathwell@uleth.ca
- Phone
- (403) 329-2737
The Psychology for Active Living & Sport Lab
- Phone
- (403) 329-2737
About Me
Dr. Rathwell is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education.
B.A. in Psychology at Concordia University
MA in Sport Psychology at McGill University
Ph.D. in Sport Psychology at the University of Ottawa
B.A. in Psychology at Concordia University
MA in Sport Psychology at McGill University
Ph.D. in Sport Psychology at the University of Ottawa
Dr. Rathwell's program of research focuses on three main areas. First, Dr. Rathwell is interested in assessing the personal and psychosocial development of university athletes, with a particular focus on the role of coaches in facilitating development. Second, he also conducts research on the psychosocial factors (including coaching) related to lifelong sport and the mechanisms through which masters athletes are able to maintain their elite performance. Finally, Dr. Rathwell recently began studying how psychological factors influence athletes' return to play following a concussion.
KNES 2200 - Research Methodologies
KNES 3680 - Sport Psychology
KNES 4500 - Physical Activity and Aging
Dr. Rathwell is currently accepting graduate students.
KNES 2200 - Research Methodologies
KNES 3680 - Sport Psychology
KNES 4500 - Physical Activity and Aging
Dr. Rathwell is currently accepting graduate students.
1.tCallary, B., Rathwell, S., & Young, B. W. (2018). Coach Education and Learning Sources for Coaches of Masters Swimmers. International Sport Coaching Journal.
2.tVan Slingerland, K., Durand-Bush, N., & Rathwell, S. (Accepted). Levels and Prevalence of Mental Health Functioning in Canadian University Student-Athletes. Canadian Journal of Higher Education
3.tRathwell, S., & Young, B. W. (2018). Athletes' perceptions of positive development resulting from Canadian intercollegiate sport: A qualitative analysis. The Qualitative Report.
4.tRathwell, S., & Young, B. W. (2018). Coaches' perspectives on personal and psychosocial development in university sport. International Sport Coaching Journal.
5.tCallary, B., Rathwell, S., & Young, B. W. (2017). Alignment of Masters swim coaches' approaches with the andragogy in practice model. International Sport Coaching Journal, 4, 177-190. doi: https://doi.org/10.1123/iscj.2016-0102
6.tRathwell, S., & Young, B. W. (2017). Describing aspects of self and social agency related to Canadian university athletes' life skill development. PHEnex Journal/Revue phénEPS, 8, 1-16.
7.tCaron, J. G., Rathwell, S., Delaney, J. S., Johnston, K. M., Ptito, A., & Bloom, G. A. (2017). Development, implementation and assessment of a concussion education programme for high school student-athletes. Journal of Sports Sciences, 1-8. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2017.1280180.
8.tRathwell, S., & Young, B. W. (2016). An examination and validation of an adapted youth experience scale for university sport. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 20(4), 208-219.
9.tBalish, S. M., Deaner, R. O., Rathwell, S., Rainham, D., & Blanchard, C. (2016). Gender Equality Predicts Leisure-Time Physical Activity: Benefits for Both Sexes across 34 Countries. Cogent, 3(1174183), 1-7.
10.tCarter, M. J., Rathwell, S., & Ste-Marie, D. M., (2016). Motor skill retention is modulated by strategy choice during self-controlled knowledge of results schedules. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 4(1), 100-115.
11.t Callary B., Rathwell, S., & Young, B. W. (2015). Masters swimmers' experiences with coaches: What they want, what they need, what they get. Sage Open, 5(2), 1-14.
12.tCallary B., Rathwell, S., & Young, B. W. (2015). Insights on using interpretative phenomenological analysis in sport coaching. Qualitative Report, 20(2), 63-75.
13.tRathwell, S., Callary B., & Young, B. W. (2015). Exploring the context of coached Masters swim programs: A narrative approach. International Journal of Aquatic Research, 9, 70-88.
14.tLithopoulos, A., Rathwell, S., & Young, B. W. (2014). Examining the effects of gain-framed messages on the activation and elaboration of possible sport selves in middle-aged adults. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 27(2), 140-155.
15.tRathwell, S., Young, B. W. (2014). Modelling commitment and compensation: A case study of a 52 year-old masters athlete. Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health, 5(7), 718-738.
16.tRathwell, S., Bloom, G. A., & Loughead, T. M. (2014). Head coaches' perceptions on the roles, selection, and development of the assistant coach. International Sport Coaching Journal, 1, 5-16.
2.tVan Slingerland, K., Durand-Bush, N., & Rathwell, S. (Accepted). Levels and Prevalence of Mental Health Functioning in Canadian University Student-Athletes. Canadian Journal of Higher Education
3.tRathwell, S., & Young, B. W. (2018). Athletes' perceptions of positive development resulting from Canadian intercollegiate sport: A qualitative analysis. The Qualitative Report.
4.tRathwell, S., & Young, B. W. (2018). Coaches' perspectives on personal and psychosocial development in university sport. International Sport Coaching Journal.
5.tCallary, B., Rathwell, S., & Young, B. W. (2017). Alignment of Masters swim coaches' approaches with the andragogy in practice model. International Sport Coaching Journal, 4, 177-190. doi: https://doi.org/10.1123/iscj.2016-0102
6.tRathwell, S., & Young, B. W. (2017). Describing aspects of self and social agency related to Canadian university athletes' life skill development. PHEnex Journal/Revue phénEPS, 8, 1-16.
7.tCaron, J. G., Rathwell, S., Delaney, J. S., Johnston, K. M., Ptito, A., & Bloom, G. A. (2017). Development, implementation and assessment of a concussion education programme for high school student-athletes. Journal of Sports Sciences, 1-8. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2017.1280180.
8.tRathwell, S., & Young, B. W. (2016). An examination and validation of an adapted youth experience scale for university sport. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 20(4), 208-219.
9.tBalish, S. M., Deaner, R. O., Rathwell, S., Rainham, D., & Blanchard, C. (2016). Gender Equality Predicts Leisure-Time Physical Activity: Benefits for Both Sexes across 34 Countries. Cogent, 3(1174183), 1-7.
10.tCarter, M. J., Rathwell, S., & Ste-Marie, D. M., (2016). Motor skill retention is modulated by strategy choice during self-controlled knowledge of results schedules. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 4(1), 100-115.
11.t Callary B., Rathwell, S., & Young, B. W. (2015). Masters swimmers' experiences with coaches: What they want, what they need, what they get. Sage Open, 5(2), 1-14.
12.tCallary B., Rathwell, S., & Young, B. W. (2015). Insights on using interpretative phenomenological analysis in sport coaching. Qualitative Report, 20(2), 63-75.
13.tRathwell, S., Callary B., & Young, B. W. (2015). Exploring the context of coached Masters swim programs: A narrative approach. International Journal of Aquatic Research, 9, 70-88.
14.tLithopoulos, A., Rathwell, S., & Young, B. W. (2014). Examining the effects of gain-framed messages on the activation and elaboration of possible sport selves in middle-aged adults. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 27(2), 140-155.
15.tRathwell, S., Young, B. W. (2014). Modelling commitment and compensation: A case study of a 52 year-old masters athlete. Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health, 5(7), 718-738.
16.tRathwell, S., Bloom, G. A., & Loughead, T. M. (2014). Head coaches' perceptions on the roles, selection, and development of the assistant coach. International Sport Coaching Journal, 1, 5-16.
Research Interests
Coaching; Masters Athletics; University Sport; Positive development; Concussion