Alexander, Kristine

Associate Professor

History and Religion Department

(403) 332-4623

About Me

I joined the University of Lethbridge in 2013, and am currently Associate Professor of History and Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Child and Youth Studies. I am Co-Director of the U of L's Institute for Child and Youth Studies (I-CYS), and from 2016-2019 was co-editor of the peer-reviewed journal Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures. In spring 2017, I was a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Childhood Studies at Rutgers University-Camden.

My book Guiding Modern Girls: Girlhood, Empire, and Internationalism in the 1920s and 1930s (UBC Press, 2017) received the Wilson Book Prize and the Canadian History of Education Association Founders' Prize for Best English-Language Book.

PhD in History, York University (2010)
MA in History, York University (2003)
BA (Honours) in English & History, the University of Winnipeg (2002)


I offer undergraduate and graduate courses in the History Department and the U of L's interdisciplinary graduate programs in Cultural, Social, and Political Thought. My recent and ongoing courses include:

HIST 3850 The British Empire
HIST 3850 History of Childhood
HIST 3850 Britain & WWI
HIST 4850 Girls & Girlhood Across Time, Space, & Culture
SSCI 5207 History & Culture: The History of the Emotions
HIST 5850 Historiography

For upper-level undergraduate students, I offer Independent Studies, Applied Studies, and Co-Op supervision in the history of childhood and youth, imperial, transnational, and settler colonial history, Canadian social and cultural history, gender history, the history of emotions, and the history of the First World War.

I am also happy to supervise Honours and MA students in these areas.


Kristine Alexander, "Youth Culture and Indian Boarding Schools," in The Oxford Handbook of the History of Youth Culture, edited by James Marten. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021, 1-20.

Kristine Alexander & Mary Jane McCallum, "A Structural Pandemic: On Statues, Colonial Violence, and the Importance of History." A 3-part series for Active History. December 2020.
•tPart I (2 December 2020):
•tPart II (3 December 2020):
•tPart III (4 December 2020):

Kristine Alexander, Mischa Honeck & Isabel Richter, eds., "Mapping Modern Rejuvenation," Journal of Social History 53, no. 4 (Summer 2020): 875-962.

Kristine Alexander, "Domestic Demobilization: Letters from the Children's Page," in Canada 1919: A Nation Shaped by War, edited by Tim Cook & J.L. Granatstein (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2020), 177-189.

Kristine Alexander & Ashley Henrickson, "Children of Conflict," Canada's History (October/November 2018).

Kristine Alexander, "Why We Need Girls' Studies." Girl Museum Blog. June 2019.

Kristine Alexander, "Disciplines and Disciplining: Canadian History and/as Transnational History." Beyond Borders: The New Canadian History (Wilson Institute for Canadian History, McMaster University). November 2018.

Kristine Alexander, Hudson Eagle Bear, Ashley Henrickson, Tesla Heavy Runner, Taylor Little Mustache, Amy Mack, Jan Newberry, Tanya Pace-Crosschild, Erin Spring, & Kaitlynn Weaver. "Translating Encounters: Connecting Indigenous Young People with Higher Education through a Transmedia Project," Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education 10, no. 1 (2018): 61-71.

Kristine Alexander, Guiding Modern Girls: Girlhood, Empire, and Internationalism in the 1920s and 1920s (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2017).

Kristine Alexander, Ashley Henrickson, & Taylor Little Mustache. "Making Connections Through Undergraduate Research," A Light on Teaching Magazine (2016-2017): 25-27.

Kristine Alexander, "Childhood and Colonialism in Canadian History," History Compass
14, no. 9 (September 2016): 397-406.

Kristine Alexander, "Agency and Emotion Work," Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures 7, no. 2 (2015): 120-128.

Karen Vallgårda, Kristine Alexander, & Stephanie Olsen, "Emotions and the Global Politics of Childhood," in Childhood, Youth, and Emotions in Modern History, edited by Stephanie Olsen (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2015), 12-34.

Brittney Adams, Anastasia Sereda, Karissa Patton, Jesse Couture, & Kristine Alexander, "Feminist Borders and Boundaries of Southern Alberta: Grad Student Activists' Experiences," The Feminist Word (Winter 2015): 13-17.

Kristine Alexander,"Picturing Girlhood and Empire," in Colonial Girlhood in Literature, Culture, & History: 1840-1950, edited by Kristine Moruzi & Michelle Smith (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), 197-213.

Kristine Alexander, "Education during the First World War," on, a SSHRC-funded website featuring essays and digital images of primary sources from the First and Second World Wars in Canada (2013).

Kristine Alexander, "Can the Girl Guide Speak? The Perils and Pleasures of Looking for Children's Voices in Archival Research," Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures (Summer 2012): 132-144. Reprinted in The Difference Kids Make: Bringing Children and Childhood into Canadian History and Historiography, edited by Mona Gleason & Tamara Myers (Don Mills: Oxford University Press, 2017).

Kristine Alexander, "An Honour and a Burden: Canadian Girls and the Great War," in A Sisterhood of Suffering and Service: Canadian and Newfoundland Girls and Women and the First World War, edited by Sarah Glassford & Amy Shaw (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2012), 173-194.

Kristine Alexander, "The Girl Guide Movement and Imperial Internationalism in the 1920s and 1930s," Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 2, no. 1 (Winter 2009): 37-63.

Research Interests

In The Media

"U of L Professor Honoured with Book Award." The Lethbridge Herald (20 July 2018)

"2017 Wilson Award Winners." Beyond Borders: The New Canadian History (Blog of the Wilson Institute for Canadian History at McMaster University)

"2017 Wilson Prize Nominees!" McMaster University Faculty of Humanities News (25 April 2018)

"Blackfoot Child Rearing Part of Cultural Exhibit at Casa." The Lethbridge Herald (27 September 2017)

"Elders of the Future Exhibits First Nations Oral Child Rearing Traditions." L.A. Beat (September 2017)

Interviewed about my book Guiding Modern Girls on Roundhouse Radio (Vancouver, 26 July 2017)

"Raising Spirit Project Receives Canada 150 Grant"

Interviewed about my research about Canadian children and the First World War on "Homestretch," CBC Radio Calgary (30 November 2016).

"Three U of L Professors Examine Western Canada during the First World War" (November 2016)

"War Museum Event Recalls Experiences of Youth in Conflict." Centretown News (Ottawa, 4 December 2016)

Interviewed about my research on Canadian children and the First World War on "In Town and Out," CBC Radio Ottawa (19 November 2016).

"Photo Exhibit at Park Place Focuses on Blackfoot Culture, Identity." The Lethbridge Herald (11 March 2016).

"Blackfoot Culture and Identity Explored in Joint Project between Opokaa'sin and U of L Institute"

"The Canadian Invasion." Centre for Research on Colonial Culture Blog, the University of Otago, New Zealand (27 August 2015).

"Symposium Explores Colonial Childhoods." Dunedin TV News, New Zealand (25 August 2015).

"Youth Focus of International Conference at University." The Lethbridge Herald (5 May 2015)

"International Child and Youth Studies Conference Seeks to Engage Local Practitioners."

"Hidden Paths, Tangled Woods, and Interesting Play Spaces." Southern Alberta Magazine (Spring 2014)

"U of L Professor Named National Research Chair." The Lethbridge Herald (23 November 2013)

"Kristine Alexander Named Canada Research Chair in Child and Youth Studies" -