Helstein, Michelle
Provost & Vice President (Academic)/Professor
Provost & Vice-President Academic
- Phone
- (403) 329-2202
- helsmt@uleth.ca
Provost & Vice President (Academic)/Faculty
Kinesiology & Physical Education
- Phone
- (403) 329-2202
- Fax
- (403) 380-1839
Current Research
Title |
Location |
Principal Investigator | Co-Researchers | Grant Agency |
Grant Amount |
Grant Time Period |
The Athlete's Body and the Social Text of Suicide: A Critical Analysis of the Concussion Debate and Labour Politics in Professional Sports | Sean Brayton | University of Lethbridge Research Fund |
Previous Research
Title | Grant Agency | Completion Date |
Representing active females: Private sector funding and the Canadian sport delivery system | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) | |
Critical cultural analysis of pleasure and popular desire within Nike advertising to female athletes | University of Lethbridge Research Fund | |
Investing in Nike: Discourse, Desire, and Difference in the Case of the Female Athlete | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) | |
Brayton, S., and Helstein, M.T. (2019). The athlete's body and the social text of suicide. In M. Ventresca and M. McDonald (eds.), Socio-cultural Examinations of Sports Concussions: Forces of Impact, Routledge. [authors are equal contributors]
Brayton, S., Helstein, M.T., Ramsey, M., and Rickards, N. (2017). Exploring the Missing Link Between the Concussion "Crisis" and Labor Politics in Professional Sports. Communication and Sport. [authors are equal contributors]
Davidson, J., and Helstein, M.T. (2016). Queering the gaze: Calgary hockey breasts, dynamics of desire, and colonial hauntings. Sociology of Sport Journal, 33(4), 282-293. [authors are equal contributors]
Adams, M.L., Helstein, M.T., Kim, K., McDonald, M.G., Davidson, J., Jamieson, K., King, S., Rail, G. (2015). Feminist cultural studies: Uncertainties and possibilities. Sociology of Sport Journal, 33(1), 75-91. [authors are equal contributors]
Helstein, M. T. (2010). Producing the Canadian Female Athlete: Negotiating the Popular Logics of Sport and Citizenship. In B. Beaty, D. Briton, G. Filax, and R. Sullivan (eds.). How Canadians Communicate III: Contexts of Canadian Popular Culture (pp. 241-258).
Walton, T. & Helstein, M.T. (2008). Triumph of Backlash: Wrestling community and the 'problem' of Title IX? Sociology of sport journal, 25(3), 369-386.
Helstein, M.T. (2007). Seeing your sporting body: Identity, subjectivity, and misrecognition. Sociology of sport journal, 24(1), 78-103.
Capon, D. & Helstein, M.T. (2005). 'Knowing' the hero: The female athlete and myth at work in Nike advertising. In S. Jackson & D. Andrews, Sport, culture and advertising: Identities, commodities & the politics of representation (pp. 39-58). London & New York: Rutledge. [authors are equal contributors]
Helstein, M.T. (2005). Rethinking community: Introducing the Whatever female athlete. Sociology of sport journal, 22(1), 1-18.
Helstein, M.T. (2003). That's who I want to be: The politics and production of desire within Nike advertising to women. Journal of sport and social issues, 27(3), 276-292.
Brayton, S., Helstein, M.T., Ramsey, M., and Rickards, N. (2017). Exploring the Missing Link Between the Concussion "Crisis" and Labor Politics in Professional Sports. Communication and Sport. [authors are equal contributors]
Davidson, J., and Helstein, M.T. (2016). Queering the gaze: Calgary hockey breasts, dynamics of desire, and colonial hauntings. Sociology of Sport Journal, 33(4), 282-293. [authors are equal contributors]
Adams, M.L., Helstein, M.T., Kim, K., McDonald, M.G., Davidson, J., Jamieson, K., King, S., Rail, G. (2015). Feminist cultural studies: Uncertainties and possibilities. Sociology of Sport Journal, 33(1), 75-91. [authors are equal contributors]
Helstein, M. T. (2010). Producing the Canadian Female Athlete: Negotiating the Popular Logics of Sport and Citizenship. In B. Beaty, D. Briton, G. Filax, and R. Sullivan (eds.). How Canadians Communicate III: Contexts of Canadian Popular Culture (pp. 241-258).
Walton, T. & Helstein, M.T. (2008). Triumph of Backlash: Wrestling community and the 'problem' of Title IX? Sociology of sport journal, 25(3), 369-386.
Helstein, M.T. (2007). Seeing your sporting body: Identity, subjectivity, and misrecognition. Sociology of sport journal, 24(1), 78-103.
Capon, D. & Helstein, M.T. (2005). 'Knowing' the hero: The female athlete and myth at work in Nike advertising. In S. Jackson & D. Andrews, Sport, culture and advertising: Identities, commodities & the politics of representation (pp. 39-58). London & New York: Rutledge. [authors are equal contributors]
Helstein, M.T. (2005). Rethinking community: Introducing the Whatever female athlete. Sociology of sport journal, 22(1), 1-18.
Helstein, M.T. (2003). That's who I want to be: The politics and production of desire within Nike advertising to women. Journal of sport and social issues, 27(3), 276-292.
B.A. (Physical Education); Ph.D. (Physical Education)
Research Areas
Representation Bodies Gender Knowledge production Sport/physical activity
Previous Research Areas
Media Advertising Popular culture Women Sport Gender Bodies Desire Identification Nike
Production and consumption of knowledge and identities
Media constructions of physical activity and sport discourses
Cultural studies poststructural feminist theory and popular culture as they intersect with sport physical activity and the body