Hasan, Mahmudul

Programmer Analyst

ITS - Enterprise Applications

(403) 329-2248

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM


I have been working with the University's IT department in various roles since July, 2011. I have also worked in various positions as Teaching Assistant, and Research Assistant while attending my M.Sc in Computer Science program. I obtained my B.Sc in 2006, and M.Sc. in 2011, both majoring in Computer Science.


  1. DSJM: A Software Toolkit for Direct Determination of Sparse Jacobian Matrices
    Author: Hasan, Hossain, Khan, Hakim and Huq
    Publisher : Springer
    Date: July 6, 2016
    Book Chapter, Mathematical Software - ICMS 2016.

  2. DSJM: A Software Toolkit for Direct Determination of Sparse Jacobian Matrices,
    Author: Hasan, M. and Hossain, S. and Steihaug, T.
    SIAM workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing, 09.
    Seaside, USA.

  3. Invited Speaker on CASCON, 2010,
    IBM Centers for Advanced Studies, Toronto, Canada.

  4. DSJM: A Software Toolkit for Direct Determination of Sparse Jacobian Matrices,
    Poster Paper,
    MITACS/CORS 2010 Annual Conference,
    Edmonton, Canada.