Asem, Ebenezer


Dhillon School of Business - Finance

(403) 382-7142

Current Research

​Principal Investigator ​Co-Researchers ​Grant Agency
​Grant Amount
Grant Time Period ​
Pricing Illiquidity Shocks Ebenezer Asem, University of Lethbridge University of Lethbridge Research Fund $4,000 2005-06
Asymmetric Valuation of Dividend: Earnings signaling or Excess cash signaling Ebenezer Asem, University of Lethbridge Eldon Gardner, University of Lethbridge
Dividends and Price Momentum Ebenezer Asem, University of Lethbridge
Pricing Illiquidity Shocks Ebenezer Asem, University of Lethbridge
Asymmetric Valuation of Dividend: Earnings signaling or Excess cash signaling Ebenezer Asem, University of Lethbridge Eldon Gardner, University of Lethbridge University of Lethbridge Research Fund and Faculty of Management Seed Fund $11,800 2006-07
Market Dynamics and Momentum Profits Ebenezer Asem, University of Lethbridge Gloria Tian, University of New South Wales

Previous Research

​Title ​Grant Agency ​Completion Date
​Microstructural Effects of Extending Trading Time ​2006
​Misspecified Likelihood Function and Value at Risk ​2006


Asem, E., Chung, J., and Tian, G., 2016 "Liquidity, Investor Sentiment and Price Discount of SEOs in Australia" International Journal of Managerial Finance 12 (1), 25-51.

Asem, E., and S. Alam, 2015, "Market Movements and the Excess Cash Theory" The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 55, 140 - 149.

Asem, E., and S. Alam, 2014, "Cash Hoards and Market Movements" Journal of Financial Research, Vol. 37 (1), 119-137.

Asem, E. and G. Tian, 2010 "Market Dynamics and Price Momentum," Journal of Financial Quantitative Analysis 45, 1549 - 1562.

Asem, E., 2009, "Dividends and Price Momentum," Journal of Banking and Finance 33, 486-494.

Asem, E., 2007, "Concentrated Opening Volume: Market Closure or Strategic Trading," Journal of Financial Research 15(2), 321 - 334.


Ph.D. (Economics and Finance)

Research Areas

Market conditions
Signaling theory
Excess cash theory
Momentum profits
Behavioral finance
Rational asset pricing


Demand and stock returns
Accuracy of the value-at-risk of financial assets
Modeling of fat-tailed distributions
Effects of trading hours on market variables
Price momentum
Dividend policy