Belanger, Yale


Political Science Department

(403) 382-7101
Belanger Lab
(403) 380-1882

About Me

Dr. Yale D. Belanger (Ph.D.) is Professor of Political Science. His doctoral work at Trent University focused on the emergence and evolution of Aboriginal political organizations in late 19th- and early 20th-century Canada.

Dr. Belanger is a Member, Royal Society of Canada, College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists (2017-2024)

Dr. Belanger is currently not accepting graduate students. As funding becomes available he will post his intention to accept applications.


2006t Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). Indigenous Studies, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario.
Advisor: tProf. David R. Newhouse.
Examiner: tDr. James Rodger (JR) Miller, Canada Research Chair.

2000 tMaster of Arts (M.A.). Political Science, Native Studies and Anthropology. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,

1998 tBachelor of Arts (B.A.). Honours Arts Program, Native American Studies (NAS). University of Lethbridge, Alberta.


Books and edited compilations

Belanger, Y.D. (slated for 2023). A Movement Standing Still: Aboriginal Self-Government and Indigenous Self-Determination in Canada, 1867-present. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (under contract)

Belanger, Y.D., Hanrahan, M. (2021). Ways of Knowing: An Introduction to Indigenous Studies in Canada, 4th Ed. Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd.

Belanger, Y.D. (2018). Ways of Knowing: An Introduction to Native Studies in Canada, 3rd Ed. (Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd.), 458 pp.

Belanger, Y.D., Lackenbauer, P.W. (eds.). (2014). Blockades or Breakthroughs? Aboriginal Peoples Confront the Canadian State (Kingston & Montréal: McGill-Queen's University Press).

Belanger, Y.D. (2014). Ways of Knowing: An Introduction to Native Studies in Canada, 2nd Ed. (Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd.), 422 pp.

Belanger, Y.D. (ed.). (2011). First Nations Gaming in Canada (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press), 307 pp.

Belanger, Y.D. (2010). Ways of Knowing: An Introduction to Native Studies in Canada (Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd.), 381 pp.

Belanger, Y.D. (ed.). (2008). Aboriginal Self-government in Canada: Current Issues and Trends, 3rd Ed. (Saskatoon: Purich Publishing), 429 pp.

Belanger, Y.D. (2006). Gambling with the Future: The Evolution of Aboriginal Gaming in Canada (Saskatoon: Purich Publishing), 232 pp.

Articles & Chapters (since 2019 & forthcoming; *Refereed)

Belanger, Y.D., Newhouse, D.R. (slated for 2023). "Back to the Future: The United Conservative Party's Indigenous Policies, 2019-2022." In T. Harrison & R. Acuna D. (eds.). Anger and Angst: Jason Kenney and Alberta's Right. Montreal: Black Rose Books.

Belanger, Y.D., Hanselmann, C. (slated for 2023). "The Many Faces of Indigenous Governance." In K. Brock & G. Hale (eds.). Managing Canadian Federalism Beyond Pandemic. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

* McGrath, D., Hodgins, D., Leonard, C.A., Williams, R.J., Belanger, Y.D., Christensen, D.R., el-Guebaly, N., Nicoll, F., Smith, G. (2023). "Differences in Problem Gambling Severity, Gambling Behavior, and Comorbidities in Gamblers who do and do not Use Cannabis: Evidence from a Canadian National Sample." Addictive Behaviours 137

Belanger, Y.D. (2022). "Permanent Precarity? Racial Exclusion, Discrimination, and Low-wage Work and Unemployment Amongst Canada's First Nations." In J. Peters & D. Wells (eds.), Canadian Labour Policy and Politics: Inequality and Alternatives. pp. 252-269. Vancouver: UBC Press.

* Shaw, C. A., Hodgins, D. C., Williams, R. J., Belanger, Y. D., Christensen, D. R., el-Guebaly, N., McGrath, D. S., Stevens, R. M. G., & Nicoll, F. (2022). "Gambling in Canada during the pandemic: Six months after the national COVID lockdown." Canadian Journal of Addictions 13(3): 36-45

* Hodgins, D.C., Williams, R.J., Belanger, Y.D., Christensen, D.R., el-Guebaly, N., McGrath, D.S., Nicoll, F., Shaw, C. A., & Stevens, R.M.G. (2022). "Making Change: Attempts to Reduce or Stop Gambling in a General Population Sample of People Who Gamble." Frontiers in Psychiatry

* Williams, R.J., Belanger, Y.D., Christensen, D.R., el-Guebaly, N., Hodgins, D., McGrath, D., Stevens, R. (2022). "Etiology of Problem Gambling in Canada." Psychology of Addictive Behaviors

* Hodgins, D., Leonard, C.A., Williams, R.J., Belanger, Y.D., Christensen, D.R., el-Guebaly, N., McGrath, D., Nicoll, F., Smith, G. (2022). "Gambling in Canada During the COVID-19 Lockdown: Prospective National Survey." Journal of Gambling Studies DOI:org/10.1007/s10899-021-10073-8

* Christensen, D.R., Nicoll, F., Williams, R.J., Shaw, C.A., el-Guebaly, N., Hodgins, D., McGrath, D., Smith, G., Belanger, Y.D. & Stevens, R. (2021). "Harm Minimization Training, Knowledge, and Behaviour of Canadian Casino Employees." Journal of Gambling Studies

* Christensen, D.R., Nicoll, F., Williams, R.J., Shaw, C.A., el-Guebaly, N., Hodgins, D., McGrath, D., Smith, G., Belanger, Y.D. & Stevens, R. (2021). "Responsible Gambling in Canada: An Analysis of the RG Check Patron Surveys." Journal of Gambling Studies

* Williams, R.J., Leonard, C.A., Belanger, Y.D., Christensen, D.R., el-Guebaly, N., Hodgins, D., McGrath, D., Nicoll, F., Smith, G. (2021). "Indigenous Gambling and Problem Gambling in Canada." Journal of Gambling Studies

* Williams, R.J., Leonard, C.A., Belanger, Y.D., Christensen, D.R., el-Guebaly, N., Hodgins, D., McGrath, D., Nicoll, F., Smith, G. (2021). "Predictors of Gambling and Problem Gambling in Canada." Canadian Journal of Public Health DOI: 10.17269/s41997-020-00443-x

* Williams, R.J., Leonard, C.A., Belanger, Y.D., Christensen, D.R., el-Guebaly, N., Hodgins, D., McGrath, D., Nicoll, F., Smith, G. (2020). "Gambling and Problem Gambling in Canada in 2018: Prevalence and Changes since 2002." Canadian Journal of Psychiatry DOI: 10.1177/0706743720980080

* Pijl, E., Belanger, Y.D. (2020). "Lost in Transition: Entering the Liminal Space of Rural Homelessness in a Small Prairie Town." Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless. DOI: 10.1080/10530789.2020.1763575

* Nejad, S., Walker, R., Macdougall, B., Belanger, Y.D., Newhouse, D. (2019). "'This is an Indigenous city; why don't we see it'? Indigenous urbanism and spatial production in Winnipeg." Canadian Geographer - Le Géographe canadien 63(3): 411-423. DOI: 10.1111/cag.12520

Newhouse, D.R., Belanger, Y.D. (2019). "The Canada Problem in Aboriginal Politics." In D. Long & G. Starblanket (eds.). Visions of the Heart: Canadian Aboriginal Issues, 5th Ed. pp. 34-58. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Belanger, Y.D., Dekruyf, K., Walker, R. (2019). "Calgary, Canada: Policy Co-production and Indigenous Development in Urban Settings." In S. Darchen & G. Dearle, Planning Innovations for Urban Sustainability: A Global Outlook. pp. 12-25. NY: Routledge.

Anzovino, T., Orsesar, J., Boutilier, D., with contributions from Y.D. Belanger. (2019). "Indigenous Peoples." In T. Anzovino & D. Boutilier, Walk a Mile: Experiencing and Understanding Diversity in Canada, 2nd Ed. Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd.

Research Interests

First Nations/Indigenous Gaming and Gambling
Indigenous Housing and Homelessness
Youth Homelessness/Housing
Media, Communications and Politics

Current Research Funding

2021-2024. Making The Shift (MTS) project funding for "Co-creating a data and knowledge roadmap to support youth homelessness research in Canada." PI for Data & Technology Grant: Y.D. Belanger. Total Grant Amount: $499,800.t

Selected Grants

2020-2022. SSHRC Insight Grant entitled "Organizational Challenges to Address Homelessness: Lessons learned from 3 Mid-sized Canadian Cities." PI for Insight Grant: J. Graham. Co-investigator: Y.D. Belanger. Total Grant Amount: $97,806.

Alberta Gaming Research Institute (AGRI).
Williams, R. et al., Y.D. Belanger co-applicant on $665,000 funding from AGRI. April 2018-April 2021.

Canadian Observatory on Homelessness
Gaetz, S. et al., Y.D. Belanger co-applicant on $2.5 million funding from SSHRC (Partnership Grant). April 2013-June 2018.

Borders in Globalization: Cultures, Governance, Market Forces, Security, and Sustainability
Brunet-Jailly, E. et al., Y.D. Belanger collaborator on $3.98 million funding from SSHRC (Partnership Grant). April 2013-February 2020.

Urban Aboriginal Knowledge Network Research for a better life
Newhouse, D. et al. Y.D. Belanger co-applicant on $2.5 million funding from SSHRC (Insight & Connection Grants). 1 May 2012 - 30 March 2018.

Nieghbourhood Change, Diversity and Inequality in Global Cities
Hulchanski, D. et al., Y.D. Belanger co-investigator on $2.5 million funding from SSHRC (Partnership Grant). April 2012-June 2019.

City Planning and Aboriginality in Canada's Prairie Provinces
Walker, R., Belanger, Y.D. Co-investigator on $343,968 funding from SSHRC (Insight Grant). April 2013-June 2017.

A Mixed Methods Study to Assess Urban Aboriginal Gambling in Canada's Prairie Provinces
Belanger, Y.D., Williams, R.J. Principal investigator on $138,821 funding from Alberta Gaming Research Institute. 1 January 2012-31 December 2013. Ethics protocol #2011-090.

Homelessness Research in Alberta: Prioritizing Health Indicators through Community-based Research and Knowledge Exchange Forums (KEF)s.
Graham, J.R., Belanger, Y.D., Richter, S.M. Co-investigator on $25,000 from Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). April 2013-December 2013.

Does Subsidized Housing Aid Aboriginal Transition into the Urban Environment?
Belanger, Y.D., Treaty 7 Urban Indian Housing Authority. Primary investigator on $14,921 from Urban Aboriginal Knowledge Network Research for a better life. 15 January 2013-20 December 2013. Ethics protocol #2013-020.

Funding to establish a regional Aboriginal research centre.
Gregory, d. Belanger, Y.D., Fiske, J. Co-principal applicant on $62,000 funding from SSHRC (Aid to Small University Grant) (May 2008-March 2012).

Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Perspectives on Housing Needs and Barriers to Attainable Housing.
Belanger, Y.D., Fiske, J., Gregory, d. Principal investigator on $97,500 funding from SSHRC (Standard Research Grant) (April 2008-March 2012).

Social & Economic Impacts of Gambling in Alberta (SEIGA).
Williams, R.J., Belanger, Y.D., Arthur, J.N. Co-investigator on $685,000 funding from the Alberta Gaming Research Institute (1 April 2008-4 March 2011).

In The Media

For January 2015-current

• "'Our own grey areas': First Nations navigate hazy cannabis retain jurisdiction, taxes, testing, sovereignty." Regina Leader-Post 23 April 2021.
• "After the raid: White Bear's gambling opened a path to First Nations sovereignty." Regina Leader-Post 23 March 2021.
• "L'impact de la chute des revenus d'OLG sur les communautés autochtones." CBC ICI Premiere. 26 November 2020.
• "First Nations lobby Ottawa for bigger cut of the multibillion-dollar gambling business." CBC News. 18 January 2019.
• "Chilling public protest." Briarpatch Magazine April 20, 2018.
• 770 A.M. (Calgary). The Morning News with Gord Gillies. 19 February 2018 (discussion about reconciliation in Alberta: 8 minutes).
• "Name recognition goes a long way." Lethbridge Herald 17 October 2017.
• "U of L scholars named to Royal Society of Canada." Lethbridge Herald 17 September 2017.
• "Essays on Indigenous struggles offer both insight and oversight." Canadian Dimension March 13, 2017. t
• "The remarkable life of Levi 'Deskaheh' General: Friends and foes." Two Row Times 12 April 2017.
• "Sand Hills posts deficit, looks to rebound." Brandon Sun December 3, 2016.
• "First Nations and Community Engagement for Large Scale Projects." Municipal Monitor, Q4 (2016): 12-14.
• 88.7 CFUR, Prince George News. 2 September 2016 (discussion about Aboriginal homelessness: 2 minutes).
• "Indigenous Calgarians struggle to find their cultural identity." CBCNews Calgary July 10, 2016.
• "Study explores homelessness in Fort Macleod." The Macleod Gazette January 27, 2016.
• CTV News (CFCN). "Small towns, big need for affordable housing." January 6, 2016.
• "First Nations casinos in Alberta see the most profit." Alberta Sweetgrass December 2015.
• "Carberry casino a loser." Winnipeg Free Press December 15, 2015.
• "Aboriginal casino policy need overhaul." Brandon Sun December 15, 2015.
• "$1.3M loss for Sand Hills Casino." Brandon Sun December 12, 2015.
• "Social relationships key to economy." Lethbridge Herald December 8, 2015.
• 770 Calgary, Alberta Morning News. 5 December 2015 (discussion about recently released CD Howe report on social partnerships: 5 minutes).
• "Moving from NIMBY to Yes: Stronger Social Partnerships Needed to get Resource Projects off the Ground." Canadian Press December 1, 2015.
• "Moving from NIMBY to Yes: Stronger Social Partnerships Needed to get Resource Projects off the Ground." NorthumberlandView December 1, 2015.
• "First Nations Casinos." Gaming Post November 2, 2015.
• "'The action need to take place,' says residential school survivor on commission findings." Calgary Herald June 2, 2015.
• Global News Lethbridge June 2, 2015 (interview about the recently released TRC report: 1 minute).
• "Council, committee will talk affordable housing." Fort Macleod Gazette May 20, 2015: A12.
• "What's in a name? School divisions have decision to make." Saskatoon Star Phoenix May 15, 2015.
• "Substandard facilities challenge First Nations officers." Calgary Herald May 14, 2015.
• "Homeless youth a unique group." Lethbridge Herald March 4, 2015.
• "Funding cut for First Nations groups." Fast Forward Weekly January 29, 2015.