Iwaniuk, Andrew


Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)

(403) 332-5288
(403) 332-5211

Office Hours

by appointment: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM


Born in Toronto, Ontario, I grew up in Edmonton, Alberta. I began my undergraduate degree in Zoology at the University of Alberta, but transferred to Monash University in Australia about half way through and then completed my Honours thesis with Dr. John Nelson on the feeding behaviour of wallabies, kangaroos and their relatives. After some traveling across Canada, I landed in Lethbridge where I pursued my MSc in Psychology on the feeding behaviour of carnivorans with Drs. Sergio Pellis and Ian Whishaw. I then returned to Monash University to work with John again, but this time on variations in brain size and composition in birds. After several years down under and my first visit to the Smithsonian Institutions, I returned to Canada to pursue a post-doctoral fellowship with Dr. Doug Wylie at the University of Alberta. Finally, I did a one year stint as a post-doctoral fellow at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC with Dr. Storrs Olson on the neuroanatomy of extinct birds.


Gutiérrez-Ibáñez C, Iwaniuk AN, Wylie DR. (in press) Relative size of auditory pathways in symmetrically and asymmetrically eared owls (Strigiformes). Brain Behav Evol

Wylie D.R., Gutiérrez-Ibáñez, C., Graham, D.J., Kreuzer, M.B., Pakan, J.M.P., and Iwaniuk, A.N. (2011) Heterogeneity of parvalbumin expression in the avian cerebellar cortex and comparisons with zebrin II. Neuroscience 185: 73-84.

Iwaniuk, A.N. (2011) The importance of scientific collecting and natural history museums for comparative neuroanatomy. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1225(S1): E1-E19.

Iwaniuk, A.N. (2010) Comparative brain collections are an indispensable resource for evolutionary neurobiology. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 76: 87-88.

Iwaniuk, A.N., Heesy, C.P., and Hall, M.I. (2010) The morphometrics of the eyes and orbits of the nocturnal Swallow-tailed Gull (Creagrus furcatus, Neboux 1846). Canadian Journal of Zoology 88: 855-865.

Iwaniuk, A.N., Gutiérrez-Ibáñez, C., Pakan, J.M.P., and Wylie, D.R. 2010. Allometric scaling of the tectofugal pathway in birds. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 75: 122-137.

Sol, D., Garcia, N., Iwaniuk, A., Davis, K., Meade, A., Boyle, A., and Szekely, T. 2010. Evolutionary divergence in brain size between migratory and resident birds. PLoS ONE 5: e9613.

Gutiérrez-Ibáñez, C., Iwaniuk, A.N. and Wylie, 2009. D.R. The independent evolution of the enlargement of the principal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (PrV) in three different groups of birds. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 74: 280-294.

Wylie, D.R., Gutiérrez-Ibáñez, C., Pakan, J.M.P., Iwaniuk, A.N. 2009. The optic tectum of birds: Mapping our way to understanding visual processing. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology 63: 328-338.

Iwaniuk, A.N., Olson, S.L., James, H.F. 2009. Extraordinary cranial specialization in a new genus of extinct duck (Aves: Anseriformes) from Kauai, Hawaiian Islands. Zootaxa 2296: 47-67.

Hall, M.I., Gutiérrez-Ibáñez, C., and Iwaniuk, A.N. 2009. The morphology of the optic foramen and activity pattern in birds. The Anatomical Record 292: 1827-1845.

Iwaniuk, A.N., Gutiérrez-Ibáñez, C., Pakan, J.M.P., and Wylie, D.R. 2009. Expression of calcium binding proteins in cerebellar- and inferior olivary-projecting neurons in the nucleus lentiformis mesencephali of pigeons. Visual Neuroscience 26: 341-347.

Iwaniuk, A.N., Lefebvre, L., and Wylie, D.R.W. 2009. The comparative approach and brain-behaviour relationships: A tool for understanding tool use. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology 63: 50-59.

Guay, P.-J. and Iwaniuk, A.N. 2009. Inter-specific variation in relative brain size is not correlated with intensity of sexual selection in waterfowl (Anseriformes). Australian Journal of Zoology 56: 311-321.

Iwaniuk, A.N., Marzban, H., Hawkes, R., Pakan, J.M.P., Watanabe, M., and Wylie, D.R.W. 2009. Compartmentation of the cerebellar cortex of hummingbirds (Aves: Trochilidae) revealed by the expression of zebrin II and phospholipase c-beta-4. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 37: 55-63.

Research Interests

My research interests are broad and currently encompass three major areas of research:

Evolutionary Neurobiology

Neuroendocrine Control of Social Behaviours

Neurobehavioural Effects of Endocrine Disruptors

For more details, please see my website.