Dyck, Janelle |
Inclusive Education Coordinator |
Student Services (SS) |
(403) 329-2702 |
janelle.dyck@uleth.ca |
Slomp, Mark |
Executive Director |
Student Services (SS) |
(403) 394-3960 |
mark.slomp@uleth.ca |
Takahashi, Jaime |
Tutoring Program Coordinator |
Student Services (SS) |
(403) 332-4668 |
jaime.takahashi@uleth.ca |
Webster, Leah |
Sexual and Gender-based Violence Prevention Coordinator |
Student Services (SS) |
(403) 317-2862 |
leah.webster@uleth.ca |
Accessible Learning |
Office |
SS - Accessible Learning Centre |
(403) 329-2766 |
Fletcher, Jackie |
Manager |
SS - Accessible Learning Centre |
(403) 329-2194 |
jackie.fletcher@uleth.ca |
Leitch, Christina |
Services Coordinator |
SS - Accessible Learning Centre |
(403) 329-2766 |
christina.leitch@uleth.ca |
Mohindee, Neermal-Kaur |
Accounts Coordinator |
SS - Accessible Learning Centre |
(403) 394-3967 |
n.mohindee@uleth.ca |
Paul, Megan |
Specialized Support Coordinator |
SS - Accessible Learning Centre |
(403) 329-2054 |
megan.paul@uleth.ca |
Pegg, Melony |
Exam Coordinator |
SS - Accessible Learning Centre |
(403) 394-3949 |
melony.pegg@uleth.ca |
Selinger, Jenny |
Learning Specialist |
SS - Accessible Learning Centre |
(403) 329-2281 |
jenny.selinger@uleth.ca |
Yekeen, Zainab |
Learning Specialist - Calgary Campus |
SS - Accessible Learning Centre |
(403) 332-4078 |
zainab.yekeen@uleth.ca |
Akinlabi, Emmanuel |
Career Coach |
SS - Career Bridge |
(403) 332-4680 |
emmanuel.akinlabi@uleth.ca |
Applied Studies |
Office |
SS - Career Bridge |
applied.studies@uleth.ca |
Banda Penafiel, Andres |
Career Coach |
SS - Career Bridge |
(403) 382-7123 |
andres.banda@uleth.ca |
Bucil, Gloria |
Career Coach |
SS - Career Bridge |
(403) 332-4405 |
gloria.bucil@uleth.ca |
Career Bridge |
Office |
SS - Career Bridge |
career.bridge@uleth.ca |
Career Services and Development |
SS - Career Bridge |
career.services@uleth.ca |
Co-operative Education & My Experience Transcript |
SS - Career Bridge |
coop@uleth.ca |
Eagle Speaker, Torry |
NCEWIL Administrative Assistant |
SS - Career Bridge |
(403) 329-2000 |
torry.eaglespeaker@uleth.ca |
Gaudette - Sharp, Stacey |
Assistant Dean, Career Bridge Centre for Work-Integrated Learning and Career Development |
SS - Career Bridge |
(403) 380-1835 |
s.gaudette@uleth.ca |
Harty, Lynette |
Program Assistant |
SS - Career Bridge |
(403) 394-3938 |
hartly@uleth.ca |
Kennett, Erin |
WIL Programs Instructor |
SS - Career Bridge |
(403) 329-5192 |
erin.kennett@uleth.ca |
Kirbyson, Jason |
Events and Outreach Coordinator |
SS - Career Bridge |
(403) 332-4461 |
j.kirbyson@uleth.ca |
Le Francois, Chelsea |
WIL Programs Instructor |
SS - Career Bridge |
(403) 382-7144 |
chelsea.lefrancois@uleth.ca |
Lewis, Brittany |
WIL Programs Instructor |
SS - Career Bridge |
(403) 394-3935 |
brittany.lewis@uleth.ca |
Macaulay, Sheridan |
NCEWIL Instructor |
SS - Career Bridge |
(403) 380-1810 |
sheridan.macaulay@uleth.ca |
Roulston, Susan |
My Experience Transcript Advisor |
SS - Career Bridge |
(403) 329-5195 |
susan.roulston@uleth.ca |
Sawatzky, Mikayla |
Program Assistant |
SS - Career Bridge |
(403) 329-2257 |
mikayla.sawatzky@uleth.ca |
Svrcek, Kyra |
WIL Programs Instructor |
SS - Career Bridge |
(403) 329-2515 |
kyra.svrcek@uleth.ca |
Bonney, Rachel |
Mental Health Triage/Screening Practitioner |
SS - Counselling Services |
(403) 332-4603 |
rachel.bonney@uleth.ca |
Brandt, Kelsie |
Counselling Services Intake Coordinator |
SS - Counselling Services |
(403) 317-2845 |
kelsie.brandt@uleth.ca |
Brown, Emily |
Counsellor (On Leave) |
SS - Counselling Services |
(403) 317-2845 |
emily.brown@uleth.ca |
Bullock, Bryan |
Clinical Team Lead Counsellor |
SS - Counselling Services |
(403) 317-2845 |
bryan.bullock@uleth.ca |
Davies, Ainslee |
Counsellor |
SS - Counselling Services |
(403) 317-2845 |
ainslee.kimmel@uleth.ca |
Hopper, Paige |
Student Wellness Support Specialist |
SS - Counselling Services |
(403) 317-5040 |
student.wellness@uleth.ca |
Intern1, Counselling |
SS - Counselling Services |
(403) 317-2845 |
counselling.intern1@uleth.ca |
Intern2, Counselling |
SS - Counselling Services |
counselling.intern2@uleth.ca |
Intern3, Counselling |
SS - Counselling Services |
counselling.intern3@uleth.ca |
Kubeczek, Whitney |
Counsellor |
SS - Counselling Services |
(403) 317-2845 |
w.kubeczek@uleth.ca |
Morash, Amanda |
Counsellor |
SS - Counselling Services |
(403) 317-2845 |
amanda.elford@uleth.ca |
Nanninga, Mary |
Counsellor (On Leave) |
SS - Counselling Services |
(403) 317-2845 |
mary.nanninga@uleth.ca |
Quick, Jacqueline |
Counsellor |
SS - Counselling Services |
(403) 317-2845 |
jacqueline.quick@uleth.ca |
Raju-Bunnage, Shaylona |
Student Wellness Outreach Coordinator |
SS - Counselling Services |
(403) 317-2837 |
s.raju@uleth.ca |
Roest, Allison |
Counsellor |
SS - Counselling Services |
(403) 317-2845 |
a.roest@uleth.ca |
Schmidt, Chris |
Counsellor |
SS - Counselling Services |
(403) 317-2845 |
chris.schmidt@uleth.ca |
Student Wellness, Outreach Coordinator |
Student Wellness Outreach Coordinator |
SS - Counselling Services |
(403) 317-2837 |
mh.outreach@uleth.ca |
Hepp, Jessica |
Clinic LPN |
SS - Health Centre |
(403) 329-2509 |
jn.smathers@uleth.ca |
Mack, Lindsay |
Clinic RN |
SS - Health Centre |
(403) 329-2029 |
lindsay.mack@uleth.ca |
Pilsner, Alison |
Manager |
SS - Health Centre |
(403) 329-2483 |
alison.pilsner@uleth.ca |
Stirling, Elizabeth |
Nurse Practitioner |
SS - Health Centre |
(403) 394-3911 |
elizabeth.stirling@uleth.ca |