Pre-Camp Info 2025
Parking Pass
Parking is available in Lot-S during drop-off and pick-up times only and a printed parking pass must be placed on your dash. Please download a copy of your pass below.
DE Consent Form
NEW THIS YEAR - the online registration includes all components (liability, photo and marketing materials)
If you registered over the phone or declined the waiver, you are required to sign the below forms.
Forms must be signed by a parent/guardian and multiple children can be added to a single form. Once you have signed successfully, forms will be sent to you AND the organizers. No need to send us a copy.
Drop-off & Pick-up Process
DE camp drop-off from 8:30-9am & pick up from 4-4:30pm.
Campers can be dropped off/picked up at the S-Parking lot at the North end of the Science Commons. Drop-off starts at 8:30am, pick up at 4pm. If you are running late in the morning, it is important you call or text the camp cell: 403-915-0651 so we can make sure someone is outside to greet you.
DE Extended care is available this year starting at 8am and extending to 5pm for those who require it. You must let us know either during registration, or PRIOR to your week so we can ensure proper staffing. Please note this will be inside the Science Commons (not with HORNs & Art Camps).
Each morning an adult must drop off their campers between 8:30-9:00am.
DE staff will meet you at the top of the stairs and check that you have everything for the day.
Campers must be picked up by an authorized pick-up person (18+).
They will be asked to show a piece of photo ID. This list was created when you signed up for camp, if you wish to add additional people please email before camp indicating their full name and for which camper.
Directions & Map
If you wish to pick up your camper(s) early, please let the staff know in the morning and send a text to the camp phone when you arrive to pick them up. DE campers may be in another part of the university and a staff member will walk them back to the usual pick up location in Lot-S.
Only those campers who are 14+ can sign themselves out, but additional paperwork is required; please email Steph.
What to Pack
Backpacks are preferred! Campers will be expected to carry their own belongings as we move around and we suggest you do not overpack.
We suggest you bring the following:
- Snacks (x2) and Lunch (NO NUTS - sesame seeds included, No access to fridge or microwave)
- Filled and Labelled Water Bottle (NO GLASS)
- Outdoor clothing
- Swimming suit and towel in a separate bag (Tues & Thurs)
- Sunscreen & hat/cap
- Shorts and runners (for outdoor activities)
2025 Swimming Details
- We're back at the U of L pool on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
- If you are picking up your child up early on these days we suggest doing so at lunch OR wait until 2:00pm when they are at the pool.
- Campers will be changing in Science Commons before walking over to maximize swim time.
- Life jackets are available for non-confident swimmers
- All campers are allowed to take the Deep End test, but the lifeguards make the final decision.
- If you pass and receive a wrist band at any DE or HORNS camp - keep this on to avoid having to take the test again.
All other materials for workshops and recreational activities will be provided. Campers may bring individual books or activities to engage with during downtimes, but we ask that all electronics be left at home. We will ask them to put it away during camp. Please respect our NUT-FREE environment and do not pack your child any snacks or lunch that may contain nuts. We also discourage the consumption of energy drinks during camp hours.
The Nitty Gritty
If the need arises to cancel your child’s camp registration, there will be a $20 processing fee. Cancellations within 1 – 7 days of camp starting will receive a 50% refund and cancellations once the program starts are not eligible for a refund.
DE follows the AHS and University guidelines if your child is sick we ask that they stay home until symptoms clear.
If you need to contact your child during camp, please call the Destination Exploration office at (403) 915-0651.
Check out what we are doing at camp by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @uLethbridgeDE
See you at camp!