March - The People Who Make DE Possible
The People Who Make DE Possible
While the community has a chance to engage with our amazing instructors when they come to visit, there are a lot of People Who Help Make DE Possible. Join us during March as we take a look behind the curtain and check in with a few people that have kept DE rolling for the last 20 years.
First of all, DE would not be the program it is today without all of our amazing undergraduate instructors who bring their passion for STEM to every activity. No matter how long they are working with us, they always make an impact on our participants. Walker is a prime example! Some of you may recognize him from camp last summer with his energy and quirky time fillers.
Then there is all of our staff that have worked with us and are now out in the world doing amazing things. Megan was a past Program Coordinator who now runs the STEM outreach program at the University of Regina. She discovered her passion for youth Outreach right here at DE.
Some of our past instructors still keep in touch and come back as mentors from time to time. Becky is a biology but comes to visit our clubs as a mentor every now and again. Leading activities and sharing how she is using STEM in her career.
And without the University's support, we would not have made it as far as we have. Matt Letts is the Dean of Arts and Science but also a dad to one of our campers! Destination Exploration falls under the Facility of Arts and Science here at the U of L so having support and advocates of our program goes a long way to making sure we're still around for another 20+ years.
Don't miss what these four love the most about Destination Exploration coming out every Monday in March on our socials.