- Graduate Students – A member of the University of Lethbridge Graduate Student Association.
- Undergraduate Students – Any student under the age of 65 enrolled in an undergraduate program who is enrolled in one or more University of Lethbridge credit courses and who is not also a graduate student, faculty member, or non-faculty employee.
- Faculty – A dues-paying member of the University of Lethbridge Faculty Association at the Lethbridge campus.
- Non-Faculty Employees – Employees of the University of Lethbridge who are not included in the definition of a dues-paying Faculty member (e.g. AUPE, APO, Exempt, Executive Director, Senior Administration, Research).
- Non-University members – An individual who does not qualify under any other priority group.
- Full and part-time student definitions follow those of the University of Lethbridge Calendar
Priority Process Selection Criteria
Prioritization of the waitlist applications are based on the following criteria:
- Siblings of children enrolled at the University Daycare facility are given the highest priority over other selection criteria;
- Applications are sorted into 1st, 2nd, and 3rd priority groups;
- Applications are prioritized by date and time stamp of the initial application.
1st Priority
- Each waitlist of Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students, and Faculty are allocated a specific number of childcare spaces for its members.
- When a space becomes available, it will be offered to the next individual on the waitlist for the allocated priority group (e.g. the Undergraduate Student waitlist for a vacated Undergraduate Student space).
- If no one is on the allocated waitlist, then the space will be filled from the general 1st priority group waitlist before offering the space to 2nd or 3rd priority applicants.
2nd Priority
- Non-faculty employees will be offered the next available childcare space if the following conditions exist:
- There is an available childcare space;
- The waitlist for ALL 1st priority users is vacant.
3rd Priority
- Non-University members will be offered the next available space if the following conditions exist:
- There is an available childcare space;
- The waitlist for ALL 1st priority users is vacant;
- The waitlist for 2nd priority users is vacant.