COVID-19 Updates
Latest update
August 24, 2023
Respiratory Illness Guidance
The University of Lethbridge supports a healthy and safe campus by following current public health guidance and encouraging good personal health practices.
Respiratory illnesses such as influenza and COVID-19 are an ongoing focus in ensuring a healthy campus community. As isolation is no longer legally required in Alberta, Alberta Health Services (AHS) recommends those with respiratory virus symptoms or who test positive for any respiratory illness are advised to stay home until all symptoms have improved, they feel well enough to resume normal activities, and they have been fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medications.
Anyone who has respiratory virus symptoms is recommended by AHS to wear a mask for a total of 10 days from the onset of symptoms (even if the symptoms have resolved or improved) when in indoor settings with other individuals.
How can you help keep our campus community healthy?
• Stay home if you are unwell
• Practice good sneeze/cough etiquette
• Consistently wash or sanitize your hands
• Get vaccinated
• Wear a mask when returning from illness
These simple measures are applicable to all respiratory illnesses and continue to play an important role in ensuring a healthy campus community.
Again, employees and students who are ill with respiratory illnesses are advised to follow the guidance of Alberta Health Services. More information and recommendations on symptom management, isolation and masking are available at the links below:
Respiratory Illnesses (General Information)
Respiratory Illness Assessment for Albertans
COVID-19 Information for Albertans
August 11, 2022
Over the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has created a challenging environment that fundamentally changed the way we undertook learning, research and community outreach activities at our University. Despite the many challenges we faced, our community can be proud of the collective efforts we undertook to keep our community safe, while continuing learning and research initiatives.
As we prepare to return to our campuses for the Fall 2022 semester, we must remain mindful that COVID-19 continues impacting communities around the world. And with the emergence of new sub-variants, it is prudent that members of our University community, as well as the University itself, continue to operate responsibly to promote the safety of students, faculty, staff and visitors as we undertake our important work.
To that end, the Return to Campus committee will continue monitoring the ongoing situation and respond as necessary.
ULethbridge campuses are open
The University’s Lethbridge and Calgary campuses are open, as are the amenities housed within. Course delivery is expected to be primarily inperson through the Fall 2022 semester.
Campus Health measures
The University will continue to follow all provincial health guidelines and will implement several measures to support campus safety. Mask distribution stations and hand-sanitizing stations will remain available to our campus community in various locations. The University’s facilities team will continue to use enhanced filtration measures on campus (MERV 13 standard), which includes increasing the amount of outside air into the buildings on our campuses as well as improved filtration. COVID testing kits will be made available for members of our community through the Health Centre and will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis.
The University will follow Alberta Health Services guidelines and directives.
Personal Health
Our individual actions make an important difference in keeping those around us safe. ULethbridge campuses are mask-friendly spaces. We also encourage mask use off-campus, particularly in high-traffic venues. The University will continue to promote good hygiene practices including hand washing and sanitizing. Those experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or feeling unwell should not come to campus. Employees and students should rest and recover, and work or learn remotely if feeling well enough, until they are able to return to campus.
AHS offers advice and recommendations for people who test positive for COVID-19. Students, faculty, staff and visitors to our campus are encouraged to follow the steps provided on this AHS website.
The University also continues to strongly encourage members of its community to get vaccinated.
Help enhance the safety of our campus:

Follow all campus health protocols
- Vaccination is the best way to keep our community safe.
- Wash or sanitize your hands frequently

We are mask friendly
Masks are not mandatory on campus but masking is encouraged to reduce the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. The University is a mask-friendly environment, and we ask that you respect the decisions made by all members of the campus community.