WIL Reporting Data Analysis

WIL Reporting Data Analysis 


We’re seeking a collection of all course outlines from the academic years of Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, and Summer 2021. The course outlines can be shared in either PDF or word format onto a SharePoint folder.


Data Analysis:

We plan to utilize the qualitative data analysis capabilities of NVivo. NVivo is a data analysis software that specializes in the qualitative analysis of large text files, thus making it the most suitable candidate to perform key word searches and cross references across a plethora of course outline documents.


CEWIL Definitions:

We are seeking to bridge the gap between the government provided definitions of both experiential learning as well as work integrated learning. Our goal is to identify and label various forms of both WIL and EL within banner with the hopes of using this information for government reporting. Furthermore, to find ways to include certain forms of EL that presently do not have an appropriate classification. This will allow us to identify parameters beyond that provided by the government. This allows us as an institution to record experiences internally that could be broader than government definitions but are still worth recording internally on a student’s MET.



What we ultimately are looking to do is include courses that have embedded forms of EL into the appropriate schedule types within Banner to allow for a larger recording of experiential learning at our institution. By reviewing the course outlines, we will be able to pull key information that will determine whether or not a course has a form of EL that would fit into the pre-defined schedule types within Banner. This will help our institution greatly with government reporting of WIL and EL as well as provide students with a clearer picture of what the course they select will entail. Lastly, it will provide more students with validated accounts of experiential learning that can be incorporated onto their MyExperience Transcript (MET).