MyExperience Experience Request Form

This form is for staff and faculty only. Students who wish to have an experience added to their transcript should contact the university affiliate that oversees the experience.

Complete this form to request the addition of an experiential learning opportunity to the MyExperience platform and experience transcript.
Please send inquiries to

Contact Details
If you represent a body external to the University of Lethbridge, please specify any existing agreement, relationship, MOA, or MOU between your organization and uLethbridge.
Experience/Activity Details
The activity description will allow students to get a general sense of the activity and what it is all about. This will be a place to describe some of the ideas behind the activity and the associated experiences. These descriptions should be considered not only as a form of advertisement. so, they should appeal to students and be a place to express the personal and professional value of the activity. Three key points: who we are, what we do, and why you should get involved. Describe the activity in 100-200 words. The description should be professionally written in the third person.
Please include contact email and website if applicable.
This experience/activity is either:
* Unless indicated otherwise, an administrator will roll over the activity for each future term selected. You must contact if an activity or position is eliminated.
Total Number of Hours:
Position Details
Please specify an estimated number of hours, and indicate whether it would be hours completed in a week, month, term, academic year, or other timeframe.
Would you like this experience/activity to be displayed in the experiential catalogue?
To view the catalogue, follow this link:
Please enter your best estimate
Please enter your best estimate
The position descriptions will be reflected in the Experiential Overview that the system provides. This is similar to a job posting/description. Position descriptions will list the kinds of things that the person in the role will be doing, how this role fits into the greater Activity mandate and how this position serves the student by helping with skill development (i.e., fits into the broader vision of the MET project) Three key points: what the position is/does (including how the role fits into the greater activity mandate), how the position benefits the student (i.e., how the role relates to the broader MET vision), and how the position benefits the club/institution/community. Describe the activity in 100-200 words. The description should be professionally written in the third person.
Examples: students in a specific program of study, undergraduate or graduate students only, students living on campus, international students, students admitted to a specific faculty or school, etc.
Examples: attend a workshop/event/competition, complete 'X' hours of participation, etc.
Is this a paid experience/activity?
Position Contact Information
The position contact should be able to both a) respond to student inquiries and b) provide confirmation of participation (and hours) to activity validators.
MyExperience Transcript (MET)
Please select the experience/activity category (select only one option):
If multiple categories apply to the experience, please identify which would be the primary category.
Which, if any, Cognitive Development competencies can students expect to develop through this experience/activity?
Select all that apply.
Which, if any, Metacognitive Development competencies can students expect to develop through this experience/activity?
Select all that apply.
Which, if any, Personal Growth competencies can students expect to develop through this experience/activity?
Select all that apply.
Which, if any, Cultivating Relationships competencies can students expect to develop through this experience/activity?
Select all that apply.
Which, if any, Global Citizenship competencies can students expect to develop through this experience/activity?
Select all that apply.
Competencies, skills, or learning outcomes that the student may gain from the experience.
Position Validation
What type of position will be responsible for overseeing the experiential opportunity?
All experiences must be validated to be included in the MyExperience catalogue and to be reflected on a students' experience record. Validators will be uLethbridge staff/faculty or organizations with a formalized relationship with uLethbridge.