Job Opportunities at the CCBN
Student Opportunities at the CCBN

CCBN often has research technician and student volunteer positions available. These positions fill quickly so check back often to see what has been posted.
There are often positions open for volunteers in the research laboratories in CCBN. Reasons to volunteer are many, but a few include to gain experience in laboratory techniques and procedures, to explore if you are interested in certain kinds of neuroscience research, to donate your time to the endeavor of discovering how the brain works in health and disease.
If you would like to volunteer in one of our research labs please select the lab(s) you are interested in and contact the principle investigator for that lab. Not sure which lab might be of interest to you? This link will allow you to discover who the PIs are, what kind of research is going on in each lab, and how to contact them.
To volunteer in a research lab in CCBN you will need to read the policies and procedures and fill out the volunteer agreement and application:
Co-operative Education
CCBN has in the past and continues to host many excellent Co-op students. Co-op students are viewed as a valuable resource for our research laboratories and in turn receive invaluable instruction and experience in brain research. This kind of experience can aid in determining if a career in the neurosciences is for you, or for bumping your vitae/resume to a higher level for applications to medical school or impressing prospective employers.
To find out more about working for the CCBN as a Co-op student, contact the Co-op office today. To find out more about Co-op at the U of L, visit the website or check out the Co-op Frequently Asked Questions.