The World Council of Indigenous Peoples define Indigenous peoples as ”people, living in countries which have populations composed of differing ethnic or racial groups, who are descendants of the earliest populations living in the area and who do not as a group control the national government of the countries within which they live.”
Indigenous Studies at the University of Lethbridge is dedicated to community-engaged scholarship, and research of the priorities and aspirations of Indigenous peoples in Canada and throughout the world. Within the department, Indigenous and non-Indigenous students have the opportunity to learn and think about Indigenous knowledges in creative, transformative and critical ways. The department offers courses that engender a rigorous and respectful understanding of Indigenous peoples’ languages, knowledges, cultures, histories, politics, arts, intellectual traditions, and research methodologies.
Department Highlights

INDG4000 (land-based) - Info Session
Dr. Million will be teaching INDG4000 (Advanced Indigenous Philosophies) in Summer Session (May 5-22, 2025). This is a land-based course with time spent at the University, in Lethbridge, and on the land in an immersive field experience. Course content is focused on the further exploration of the philosophies, beliefs, and worldviews of Indigenous Peoples. The course is grounded in the concept of "all my relations", or the understanding that all parts o creation are interconnected and that humans must live in respectful relationship with all beings in creation. Consistent with the overarching concept of "all my relations", this course uses a relational approach that focuses on inclusivity, cultural safety and reconciliation.
Dr. Million will be hosting an in-person information session with a light lunch for interested students on:
Date: Friday, March 14th, 2025
Time: 11:00am - 1:00pm
Room: Department of Indigenous Studies Round Table Area (UHall - A4)
At this session, more information on course dates/times, costs and application procedures will be shared.

Visiting Authors Jessica Johns & Henry Heavyshield
Hosted by Indigenous Writers Series
Panel Discussion
Wednesday March 12th
10:00am - 11:45am
The Atrium
Welcoming Ceremony
Wednesday March 12th
1:00pm - 1:30pm
Iikaisskini Gathering Centre
Public Reading & Signing with Jessica Johns, author of Bad Cree
Thursday March 13th
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Science Commons Theatre

Shining Student Niihtaapookaa (Old Man River Child) Tatiana Weasel Moccasin
At the University of Lethbridge, Niihtaapookaa (Old Man River Child), Tatiana Weasel Moccasin has worked as a research assistant, travelled to Mexico for school, and embraced opportunities to enhance her creativity through creative writing and Indigenous art courses. Her future aspirations include becoming a teacher in Indigenous studies and language arts while continuing to advocate for Indigenous voices in education.
"I have so many great experiences here at the University. I loved the friends I've made, the club I joined (All My Relations) and the amazing professors I've been honoured to work with."

Shining Student Sii'piapaikkana (Night Shining) Dakota Wadsworth
Sii'piapaikkana (Night Shining), Dakota Wadsworth's (ISSC '24) time at the University of Lethbridge is a powerful testament to resilience, determination, and the strength of community. As a proud First Nations student and single mother, she has overcome financial barriers and personal challenges to excel in her studies, all while being inspired by, and inspiring those around her. Her story as a shining example of breaking through barriers to achieve dreams and create a brighter future.
"I used to be so scared to come to the University. But when I got here, I met some professors who were kind, encouraging, and truly there to assist when they could."

Blackfoot Language Immersion Events
Join us for a new series of Blackfoot Language Events!
*All events are subject to change *All events will be held at Iikaisskini Gathering place *Lunch or dinner provided
Game night / Heads up, Charades on Thursday March 6th from 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Come and check out game night. A great way to let the day go and have some fun. Learn various Blackfoot words and have fun saying them.
Bannock Contest on Thursday March 20th from 1:00pm - 3:00pm
To celebrate Indigenous Awareness Week, the Blackfoot Language Adult Immersion Program will be joining with the Department of Indigenous Studies to host a Bannock making contest. Please come join us and see how Bannock is made.
Blackfoot Bingo on Wednesday April 2nd from 5:00pm - 7:00pm
For those of you who have played Blackfoot Bingo, know the fun you can have learning about Blackfoot numbers and then trying to say them. And once you have won a Bingo, there are prizes. So come and try your hand at Blackfoot Bingo.
Contact: Annabelle First Rider Chatsis Akaakskimaki - annabelle.chatsis@uleth.ca
Mokakit: Dhillon School of Business receives Blackfoot name
Empowering Futures: The Labuhn Family’s Commitment to Indigenous Leadership and Reconciliation
Centre for Indigenous Arts Research & Technology builds space for Indigenous sovereignty, survivance
Future Students Apply Now!
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