Guest Speakers

In Conversation with Kristina Llewellyn
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Dr. Kristina Llewellyn (University of Waterloo)

In Conversation with Adrienne Cain
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Adrienne Cain, MLS, CA (Institute for Oral History, Baylor University)

Conversation About Indigenous Oral History
Thursday, May 18, 2021
A Roundtable with Dr. Tiffany Prete (University of Alberta) [pictured above], Dr. Allyson Stevenson (University of Saskatchewan), Dr. Cheryl Troupe (University of Saskatchewan), and Dr. Winona Wheeler (University of Saskatchewan)

Conversations about Sharing Oral History Projects
Thursday, May 25, 2021
A Roundtable with Dr. Carly Adams (University of Lethbridge), Dr. Jenna Bailey (Bailey & Soda Films, Centre for Oral History & Tradition, University of Lethbridge) and Dr. Carol Williams (University of Lethbridge)

In Conversation with Stacey Zembrzycki
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Dr. Stacey Zembrzycki (Dawson College)

In Conversation with Funké Aladejebi
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Dr. Funké Aladejebi (University of Toronto)