Courses for Environmental Science
ENVS Courses Fall 2020
ENVS 2000 - Fundamentals of Environmental Science
- MWF 11:00 - 11:50am
- Phil Bonnaventure
- Prerequisite(s): One 1000-level course (3.0 credit hours) in Biology, Chemistry, Geography, or Physics OR One of admission to the Post-Diploma B.Sc. in Geography, with a Concentration in Geographical Information Science or admission to the Post-Diploma B.Sc. in Agricultural Studies
ENVS 4000 - Advanced Biogeography
- MW 1:30 - 2:45 pm
- Dan Johnson
- Prerequisite(s): Geography 2090 AND Forth-year standing (a minimum of 90.0 credit hours)
ENVS 4000 - Current Topics in Environmental Science
- MW 9:00 - 10:15am
- Julie Lee-Yaw
- Prerequisite(s): One of Environmental Science 2000 or admission to the Post-Diploma B.Sc. (Environmental Science) AND Three courses (9.0 credit hours) at the 3000/4000 level in Geography and/or Biology
Courses for Your Program
Course selections for the program will vary depending on your degree, but may include courses such as:
Biological Sciences:
- BIOL 2000 - Principles of Genetics
- BIOL 2150 - Biostatistics
- BIOL 2200 - Principles of Ecology
- BIOL 3300 - Evolution
- BIOL 3460 - Plant Physiology
- BIOL 3520 - Invertebrate Zoology
- BIOL 3530 - Vertebrate Zoology
- BIOL 3560 - Integrative Plant Biology
- BIOL 3630 - Field Biology
- BIOL 3660 - Field Botany
- BIOL 3700 - Ecosystem Ecology
- BIOL 3710 - Population Biology
- BIOL 3720 - Community Ecology
- BIOL 4605 - Conservation Biology
- BIOL 4700 - Molecular Ecology
- BIOL 4710 - Evolutionary & Ecological Modelling
- BIOL 4740 - Behavioral Ecology
- BIOL 4800 - Biology of Parasitism
- BIOL 4840 - Limnology
- GEOG 2030- Geomorphology
- GEOG 2090 - Biogeography
- GEOG 2300 - Weather & Climate
- GEOG 2700 - Geographical Data & Analysis
- GEOG 2735 - Intro to GIS
- GEOG 3035 - Fluvial Geomorphology
- GEOG 3060 - Glaciology & Glacial Geomorphology
- GEOG 3080 - Soils
- GEOG 3300 - Microclimatology
- GEOG 3400 - Hydrology
- GEOG 3710 - Field Techniques in the Earth Sciences
- GEOG 3720 - Remote Sensing
- GEOG 3740 - GIS
- GEOG 3780 - Field Research in Geography
- GEOG 3792 - Field Excursion in Physical Geography
- GEOG 4400 - Advanced Hydrology
- GEOG 4415 - Integrated Watershed Management
- GEOG 4730 - Spatial Statistics
- GEOL 2060 - Physical Geology
*please note that not all courses will be available every semester. Please consult your Program Planning Guide, the Bridge & your Academic Advisor to meet your requirements