Welcome to the Department of English

We offer students the opportunity to study the properties and powers of language—the fundamental means by which we communicate our values, our ideals and vision.

English is not just about the rhetorical and creative aspects of literature. It’s about examining culture in the context of history, culture, psychology, sociology, philosophy, linguistics, and more. 

Our program begins with an introduction to language and literature in which instructors focus on the basics of literary reading, discussion, and writing. In second year, we teach broad overviews and surveys of literary genres, periods, theory, and other topics. Third and fourth year involve the close study of major works, periods, and topics in literature from the British, American, Canadian, Diasporic and Global Anglophone traditions. In addition, we offer a variety of special courses in topics such as rhetoric, the history of language, literary theory, gender, children’s literature, the digital humanities, and creative writing. 

By studying English, you will learn how we use language in the world at large, as well as consider the functions, structures and significance of literature over time. The program provides you with an excellent foundation for a career in virtually any professional capacity due to the cross-disciplinary knowledge base you will develop in the program.

Graduate supervision is available in either English (Masters) or the University's interdisciplinary Cultural, Social, and Political Thought program (Masters and PhD). We have a particularly active cohort of graduate students in the digital humanities, language, and medieval/textual studies in our Humanities Innovation Lab.

Find out more about getting your degree in English.

Department News

Authors, Jessica Johns and Henry Heavyshield as part of the Indigenous Writers Series and the Panel Discussion.

The Future of Indigenous and Canadian Literatures

The English Department was involved in the visits of authors Jessica Johns and Henry Heavyshield during the Indigenous Writers series and the Panel Discussion on "the Future of Indigenous and Canadian Literatures".


English Student Levi Mason

English student Levi Mason wins second prize in Play Right Competition

University of Lethbridge English student, Levi Mason, has secured second place in the 2025 Play Right Prize competition for his script, God is a Black Hole. 

God is a Black Hole delves into themes of existentialism, nihilism, and the quest for meaning against the backdrop of an impending apocalypse. The narrative follows three childhood friends who reunite at the world's end, reflecting on their choices, regrets, and enduring bonds.

Mason attributes the inspiration for his script to the English course "Literature and Nothingness," taught by Dr. Jay Gamble. A class discussion linking concepts of God, black holes, and existential nothingness sparked the central idea for his play.+1

Students, Alumni, Faculty Network

Faculty, students, and alumni of the English department have set up a new network on Linked-In. The goal is to bring together current students with recent (and not-so-recent) alumni in order to share skills, interests, and stories. And hopefully find some old and new friends.

If you are interested in joining, please visit our group on Linked-In.

Little Red Riding Hood

English graduate students publish article on AI and student writing

MA and PhD students in the Department published an article on the impact of Artificial Intelligence on commonly used student writing tools  n the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education

The paper, which was developed from a project under the supervision of Adjunct department member Dr. Barbara Bordalejo, compares tools and assesses their impact by using them on texts written prior to the advent of popular chatbots such as ChatGPT.  

MA Student Morgan Pearce giving presentation at a conference

English graduate student Morgan Pearce presents research at Games Studies Conference

English M.A. student Morgan Pearce presents her research on "Writing History in Pentiment: Medieval Manuscripts, Historical Accuracy, and the Politics of Representation" at the 2025 International Conference on Games and Narrative (ICGaN), hosted this year by the Games Institute at the University of Waterloo, on March 6.

English Professor Daniel Paul O'Donnell testifies before the Standing Committee on Science and Research

English Professor Daniel Paul O'Donnell testifies before Parliament.

English Professor Daniel Paul O'Donnell was called to testify before the Standing Committee on Science and Research/Science et de la recherche on November 28, 2024. The testimony was invited on the first day of hearings into "the impact that the various criteria for awarding federal funding have on research excellence in Canada." 

Department Stories

Shining Student Danika Tarasewich

Meet Danika Tarasewich, a student whose path at ULethbridge has been defined by resilience, curiosity, and a genuine connection to the community.
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2025 Play Right Prize winners create compelling written tales

Tales of friendship, youth and motherhood are the topics of the winning scripts of the 2025 Play Right Prize Competition.
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Shining Student Niihtaapookaa (Old Man River Child), Tatiana Weasel Moccasin

At the University of Lethbridge, Niihtaapookaa (Old Man River Child), Tatiana Weasel Moccasin has worked as a research assistant, travelled to Mexico for school, and embraced opportunities to enhance her creativity through creative …
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Shining Student Indie MacGarva

Meet Indie MacGarva, an English major at ULethbridge whose journey is fuelled by a love for storytelling and a determination to carve out her path in publishing.
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Career Bridge: Centre for Work-Integrated Learning and Career Development

Career Bridge

Put Your Knowledge to Work

Whether you’re looking for a more in-depth learning experience by assisting with research projects on campus or by testing your knowledge in a real-life work setting, we can help! The University of Lethbridge is proud to offer you an exceptional opportunity to explore professional development through academic programs and services designed to give you a competitive edge in a fast-changing world.

You have a bright future — experience it via Career Bridge at uLethbridge!

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