Am I eligible to waitlist?
Students can waitlist for courses as long as the following conditions are met:
- The course must be required for your current major (requests for electives, Lib Ed Requirements, minors, and concentrations are not eligible).
- The course must be offered by the Faculty of Arts & Science (we do not waitlist for courses offered by the Faculties of Education, Fine Arts, Health Sciences, & Liberal Education or the Dhillon School of Business).
- The course must fit your schedule OR you must give permission to be dropped from a course to accommodate the waitlisted course (if there is a time conflict or registration in the course will cause you to exceed 15cr hrs, you will be removed from the waitlist unless you indicate which course to drop).
- You must have the prerequisite(s) for the course, or you must email a signed Prerequisite Waiver Form to the Faculty of Arts and Science Student Program Services (artsci.advising@uleth.ca) before submitting your request.
How do I waitlist for a course?
A Waitlist Request Web Form will be made available through the Arts & Science Advising website only during the waitlist period. Check the Notice Board for the exact dates. Waitlists are not available for Summer courses.
Once I am on the waitlist, should I keep trying to register?
Yes! It is required that students continue trying to register in the course(s) on their own.
Why would I be removed from the waitlist?
Students are removed from the waitlist if:
- they are already registered in the course
- the requested course is not offered by the Faculty of Arts & Science
- they are already registered in the maximum number of courses permitted
- it is found the prerequisite(s) have not been met and the student has not submitted a Faculty of Arts & Science Prerequisite Waiver Form
- a time conflict exists with the course that is requested and the courses in which they are already registered, and there is no course permitted to drop
- the student has a cash hold on their account
If my waitlist request is accepted when will I get into the course?
If we are able to accommodate your waitlist request you may be registered in the course at any time between the waitlist period and the end of the Drop period, depending on the unique circumstances of the course you require. Although every attempt is made to accommodate valid waitlist requests, registration is not guaranteed. Alternative course options and sequencing plans should be discussed with an Arts & Science Student Program Advisor.
How will I know if I have been registered in the course?
You will need to check your Bridge account to see if you have been added into a course.
What if I get myself into the course before my waitlist request is fulfilled?
Email artsci.waitlist@uleth.ca as soon as possible to cancel your request!