Arts & Science Advising Forms
When students are unable to complete their course requirements, documentation is required to enable Arts & Science Student Program Advisors to make informed decisions regarding the student's application for a "Withdrawal with Cause" or "Incomplete". Students/professionals may wish to use the Documentation Request Form to provide Arts & Science Academic Advising with the necessary information. All documentation provided to Arts & Science Academic Advising is kept confidential.
An Arts & Science Prerequisite Waiver Form is required when a student want to register in a course taught by the Faculty of Arts & Science for which they do not have the required prerequisite(s) and should be submitted before registering in the course. This form cannot be used to waive or substitute major, program, or degree requirements.
Students may only request a rescheduled final examination at Arts & Science Academic Advising (M2102) when faced with extraordinary circumstances beyond their control. The University of Lethbridge exam rescheduling policy can be found in the current Undergraduate Academic Calendar.
The Faculty of Arts & Science will approve rescheduling requests for students scheduled to write examinations in three consecutive timeslots within a 24-hour period.
The faculty will consider applications by students with compelling (and documented) medical appointments which cannot be changed and professional commitments outside of the city which cannot be rescheduled. It is expected that the student will have exhausted all reasonable measures to accommodate potential conflicts, including course withdrawal.
Please note that final examinations will not be rescheduled to accommodate vacation plans, even when scheduled by someone other than the student.
Cases in which students cannot write final examinations due to medical emergencies, bereavement or other unforeseen circumstances that occur after the last day of classes will be adjudicated by an Advisor as a potential "Incomplete" or "Withdrawal With Cause."
The required form is only available at Arts & Science Academic Advising.
Qualified students may elect to complete an Undergraduate Thesis course (6.0 credit hours) linked to their declared major. See Undergraduate Thesis Course (Honours Thesis Designation) in the Academic Calendar for details and regulations.
The Arts & Science Undergraduate Thesis Application must be submitted to Arts & Science Academic Advising well in advance of the Add/Drop deadline stated in the Academic Calendar.
Waitlists are only available for the Spring and Fall term. THE FALL 2025 WAITLIST REQUEST FORM WILL BE AVAILABLE MARCH 19 (9 a.m.) - AUGUST 18 (12 p.m.). Continuing students may waitlist for courses as long as the following conditions are met:
The course must be required in your current major.
- You have the prerequisite(s) for the course or have submitted a Prerequisite Waiver Form.
- The course must fit your schedule or we have permission to drop you from a course to accommodate the waitlisted course.
- You must have attempted to register in the course during your initial assigned registration period.
We cannot accept waitlist requests for courses that will be used towards your Liberal Education List Requirement, electives, minor, or concentration.
How do I waitlist for a course?
The Waitlist Request Form will only be posted for the duration of the waitlist period. Check the Notice Board or Arts and Science Advising website for the waitlist period.
Should I try to waitlist as soon as the web form is available?
It doesn't matter if you submit your request on the first day or the last hour the form is available. Waitlist requests are prioritized based on the student's degree progress. Students who are closest to finishing their degree will be accommodated first.
Once I am on the waitlist, should I keep trying to register?
Yes, it is required that waitlisted students continue trying to register in the course(s) on their own.
How are waitlist requests prioritized?
Waitlist requests are prioritized by the the amount of credit hours the student has completed toward their program.
Why would I be removed from the waitlist?
Students are removed from the waitlist if:
- they are already registered in the course
- they already registered in the maximum number of courses permitted
- it is found the prerequisite(s) have not been met and the student has not submitted a Prerequisite Waiver Form
- a time conflict exists with the course that is waitlisted and the courses in which they are already registered, and they have not indicated which course to drop to accommodate the request
- the student has a cash hold on their account
Am I guaranteed to be registered in the course I am waitlisted for?
Although every attempt is made to accommodate waitlist requests, it is not guaranteed that we will be able to register you in the course. You should discuss alternative course options or sequencing plans with an Arts and Science Student Program Advisor.
If my waitlist request is accepted, when will I get into the course?
If we are able to accommodate your waitlist request, you may be registered in the course at any time between the waitlist period and the end of the Add/Drop period, depending on the unique circumstances of the course(s) you need.
How will I know if I have been registered in the course?
Students need to check their Bridge account for any changes made to their registration.
The Registrar's Office also has some forms available electronically. Please visit their website to see if a form you need is available.