Specialized Supports
The Accessible Learning Centre is pleased to provide a specialized program of services and supports that are planned according to documentation and specific needs of the individual. You may have received recommendations for individualized supports in the areas of reading, writing, time management, organization and study skills.
To meet the growing needs for services and to ensure that we are able to match skills, abilities and knowledge, we employ a network of casual staff. Most have completed undergraduate studies and many are attending or have graduated at master’s level. They are trained, have experienced high levels of academic success and/or are subject matter experts. This includes the following positions:
1. Academic Strategists: work with individual students to develop personalized strategies to enhance overall learning.This might include sessions to improve skills in time management, exam prep, study habits, note-taking, reading, writing or organization.
2. Educational Assistant: for students with complex mobility and sensory needs, the Educational Assistant provides support to their student in and out of the classroom. This may include but is not limited to: navigation, note taking, tutoring, strategies and general emotional and physical support. Often Educational Assistants remain with their students on a long term basis.
3. Tutors: provide focused assistance directly related to course work including subject matter comprehension and retention, planning, exam preparation, writing and proofing
4. Note Takers: provide clear and concise classroom notes for student use.Note takers are usually enrolled in the class but occasionally staff will be recruited when no other is available. Note takers are available specifically for students who have documented sensory (sight/hearing) or mobility conditions (such as use of hand) that prevent them from writing notes during lectures.
The majority of individualized supports are facilitated through the facilitation of Services and Technologies Grants like the Alberta Grant for Students with Disabilities. Learn more about Funded Disability Supports.