Natasha Rebry
Broadly speaking, I am fascinated with language and its power to both shape and reflect identities and attitudes. This fascination, coupled with a love of all things horror, has shaped my interests and practices as a teacher and researcher. I hold a PhD in interdisciplinary studies from the University of British Columbia, and an MA and BA in English and history from Wilfrid Laurier University. Before coming to the University of Lethbridge in 2015 to teach rhetoric and composition in the Academic Writing Program, I taught in The Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies at UBC’s Okanagan Campus.
I bring an interdisciplinary focus to my research, combining elements of cultural studies, discourse studies, and rhetorical theory. I have published on mesmerism in the fiction of Richard Marsh, Arthur Machen’s engagement with neurology and cerebral localisation discourse, Anna Kingsford’s late-Victorian vegetarian advocacy, and H.P. Lovecraft’s applications for non-anthropocentric ethics. I am currently at work on an article addressing the UK and US media representation of the human microbiome and a monograph, which examines pop-cultural, clinical, and media discourse on human multiplicity.
In my rare moments not teaching or researching, I can be found hiking mountains, watching birds (aka, real life Pokémon), or catching up on the latest creature features (recommendations are always welcome!).