U of L In The News

U of L In The News

Selecting the right path

A look at the annual U of L Experience Fine Arts Day

U of L Women’s Rugby team inducted into Alberta Sports Hall of Fame

The Pronghorns women's rugby program dominated CIS rugby with titles in 2007, 2008 and 2009

Creative writing in the spotlight

The Faculty of Fine Arts announces its winners of the Plays and Prose writing competition for 2015

How male octopuses avoid being eaten by hungry females

The U of L's Dr. Jennifer Mather's research on the cannibalistic tendencies of the anti-social octopus

Champion's new CAO excited

Brady Schnell, who recently completed the requirements for a business degree in finance, is now the chief administrative officer for the Village of Champion.

Springs: The Canary in a Coal Mine for Groundwater

University of Lethbridge water researchers look at the health of springs and how they relate to groundwater

A Maritime economic union

Prentice Institute for Global Population & Economy research affiliate Constantine Passaris discusses the concept of a Maritime Union

Investors need more protection

U of L Edmonton campus instructor Cam McCormick discusses the danger of investment fraud

Native Science Seminar Coming Up at MSU

Leroy Little Bear, professor emeritus at the University of Lethbridge, to speak about “Geology from A Blackfoot Perspective” at Montana State University

Support lacking for childhood development

Dr. Robbin Gibb gives a SACPA talk on how Alberta children are developmentally behind youngsters across the rest of Canada

Five surprising animals that play

Researchers have documented play behaviour in insects, reptiles and fish, including U of L professor Jennifer Mather with octopuses. She has seen them over and over again blow streams of water at empty pill bottles, causing them to shoot away.

Alzheimer’s, dementia in the spotlight

Dr. Robert Sutherland, professor and Chair of the Department of Neuroscience, gives a community talk on Alzheimer's research

Childhood education today's SACPA topic

U of L neuroscientist Dr. Robbin Gibb to discuss why Alberta’s kindergarten children are behind the Canadian average in their performance

Canadian scientists take aim at Big Bang Theory

The U of L's Dr. Saurya Das is at the centre of an international scientific debate questioning one of the most widely accepted concepts: the Big Bang Theory

Pronghorns track athletes honoured

Two members of the Pronghorns track and field team and a former team member were honoured at the 2014 Athletics Alberta Annual Awards

Delayed report shows big corporate donations

U of L political scientist Dr. Harold Jansen discusses the timely reporting of political donations

Province allowing online gambling dangerous, says addict

A University of Lethbridge study is cited saying that 40 to 50 per cent of revenue generated from gambling comes from addicts

New Energy: Meet the 27-year-old guardian of Enbridge’s online reputation

Alumna Allyson Simpson is the interactive ­communications advisor for Calgary-based Enbridge

Hockey's unsung heroes cheered in book by University of Lethbridge prof

A look at Dr. Gordon Hunter's latest book offering, The Older I Get the Better I Was

Globe-trotting/planetary perspective for U of L international dinner

Previewing the upcoming U of L International Dinner
