Chasmer research group utilizing remote sensing to increase knowledge of wildland fire potential and behaviour Cooperative research network is designed to address national wildland fire science needs and priorities
U of L scientists unveil a novel molecular mechanism underlying Alzheimer’s disease Preliminary findings pave the way for future studies to look for new therapeutic targets
Canada Foundation for Innovation funding will help U of L researchers pursue a drug treatment for COVID-19 Funding helps secure needed infrastructure for Drs. Trushar Patel and Borries Demeler to pursue their search for a COVID drug treatment
U of L post-doc examines long-term effects of environmental exposures during pregnancy, including glyphosate Dr. Stephanie King's research points to the need to study effects of glyphosate in future generations
U of L religious studies researcher to examine roots of religious tolerance Dr. Jennifer Otto to examine events of 500 years ago and how they led to modern-day human rights
U of L forges partnership with the South Alberta Light Horse reserve unit A recent training exercise highlighted opportunities for collaboration
Doing open science in COVID-19 times Dr. Dan O'Donnell is leading a research project to explore how open science is faring in the COVID-19 pandemic
Dr. Majid Mohajerani named first recipient of Dr. Bryan Kolb Professorship/Chair in Neuroscience Mohajerani studies the neural basis of memory and its disorders
Archaeology professor, Dr. Shawn Bubel, recognized as 2020 Distinguished Teaching Award winner Bubel’s career path is testament to the University’s liberal education focus
ARRTI researcher earns $642,600 CIHR grant to investigate complex process of ribosome formation Research study may also hold the key to unlocking new targets for the treatment of cancer