Newest Headlines

Newest Headlines

  • December 9, 2008 | Research
    It's not exactly the Hotel California, but for a number of students who check in to work at the University of Lethbridge Library, they never leave — that is, the profession. Two such examples are Danielle Sali, a...
  • December 9, 2008 | Campus Life
    Internationally recognized artist Janet Cardiff, an adjunct member of the Faculty of Fine Arts, and her collaborator and partner George Bures Miller are among the recipients of the 2008 Hnatyshyn Foundation Visual Arts...
  • December 9, 2008 | Campus Life
    University of Lethbridge assistant art professor Annie Martin has just launched Music for Insomniacs, an audio CD project comprised of a suite of compositions based on sounds from the intimate domestic sphere that...
  • December 8, 2008 | Campus Life
    Are you looking for a challenge in the New Year? Welcome to FITT Boot Camp. This Functional, Intense, Tactical Training will get you maximum results through an accelerated training system that will help you build a...
  • December 8, 2008 | Students
    Vomiting and diarrhea are not the most pleasant things to talk about but they are a part of life and can affect the entire campus community. Noroviruses are a group of viruses (Norwalk included) that cause...
  • December 8, 2008 | Community
    Holidays are a time to relax and rejuvenate energy levels. All too often, however, the holidays also become a time for weight gain. Here are some tips to help prevent 'waisted' calories this holiday season. Portion...
  • December 8, 2008 | Students
    The University of Lethbridge campus is filled with faculty and staff who go above and beyond the call of duty every day. Charlene Janes is one of those people. In her role as international liaison officer, she supports...
  • December 8, 2008 | Pronghorn Teams
    It is hard to fathom the fall semester is coming to a close and we are already preparing for the Christmas break. I have believed always that Christmas comes at exactly the right time in the academic calendar. We begin...
  • December 8, 2008 | Students
    The recent Maclean's magazine rankings of Canadian universities and other surveys in which the University of Lethbridge has been profiled raise an interesting question: What role do surveys and/or rankings actually play...
  • December 8, 2008 | Pronghorn Teams
    When members of the University of Lethbridge Pronghorns athletic program are referred to as student-athletes, the emphasis is almost always on the athlete. Each academic year, however, a talented group of individuals is...
