November 2, 2016 | Alumni
Khan, a Government of Alberta employee, has been an active community advocate against violence and bullying
October 11, 2016 | Alumni
Known as a contemplative and thoughtful jurist, Skolrood is well-respected by peers and colleagues from across the country
October 11, 2016 | Alumni
2016 Alumnus of the Year believes a solid undergraduate education prepares students for anything they might pursue
October 3, 2016 | Alumni
Blake Kanewischer has been an instructor on the Calgary Campus since 2011, teaching Information Systems Management
September 12, 2016 | Alumni
Deri Latimer (BMgt ’84) will be on campus next week as part of the annual Career Fair presenting on The Resilient Mindset: Success Strategies Success Strategies for Life, Career and Academics
August 24, 2016 | Alumni
Khan established a series of anti-bullying rallies in 2013 and has been holding annual events in Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge and Airdrie ever since
August 12, 2016 | Alumni
Lethbridge’s own Julie (Greidanus) Taylor (BA ’05) and Lowell Taylor (BFA ’04) have stepped foot on the final pit stop mat for the last time.
August 2, 2016 | Alumni
Jim Steacy's retirement from athletics an opportunity to reflect on outstanding career
June 28, 2016 | Alumni
Julie Taylor (BA ’05) and Lowell Taylor (BFA ’04) are set to become household names this week as the Amazing Race Canada kicks off its fourth season.
May 30, 2016 | Alumni
Seven years after she left Malaysia to study at the U of L, Priscilla Patel has completed two degrees, a BFA in 2013 and now a BMgt.