The University of Lethbridge is excited to celebrate the achievements of its newest graduates this week during our online 2020 Spring Convocation.
Distinguishing themselves among the many outstanding graduates are the U of L’s medal winners for 2020. They are as follows (see expanded stories by following the “Read more” links):

Awarded to the student with the highest academic standing at the graduate level.
Silver Medal of the Governor General — Jessica (Lohues) Nelson
Awarded to the student with the highest academic standing at the undergraduate level.
Undergraduate Academic Medals
Faculty of Arts and Science Gold Medal (Arts) — Jamie Lewis
Lewis graduates with a double major in anthropology and religious studies. Her research is very diverse and highly interdisciplinary and often touches on marginalized people. An active volunteer who worked with Syrian refugees, sexual assault survivors and the arts, Lewis has presented her work at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association and Canadian Anthropological Society. Read more
Faculty of Arts and Science Gold Medal (Science) — Kate Chua
Chua earned a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience and excelled in many upper level courses, both inside and outside of her own major, showing a great interest in many diverse fields. She is the co-author of one publication and presented her own work at a number of conferences including the NeuroRepair Conference in Dresden, Germany. Read more
Faculty of Education Gold Medal — Jessica (Lohues) Nelson
Nelson completed her combined Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science in Mathematics in the fall of 2019. Excelling academically and in her field-based placements, she achieved a perfect 4.0 grade point average. Nelson excelled in the classroom while at the same time contributing significantly as a goaltender for the uLethbridge Pronghorns women’s hockey team. Her field experience reports speak to a capable teacher that is knowledgeable, caring, fun and engaging. Read more
Alberta Teacher’s Association William Aberhart Gold Medal in Education — Jennifer Matosevic
Matosevic completed her Bachelor of Education with a major in music education and a minor in science education in the fall of 2019. She excelled both academically and in her field experience placements, developing strong relationships with her students both inside and outside of the classroom. She always wanted students to understand the why of her lessons and develop a personal connection with the topic. Read more
Faculty of Fine Arts Gold Medal — Kylie Fineday
Throughout her time at uLethbridge, art studio major Fineday produced ambitious and creative research projects, curated art exhibitions, participated in professional internships at renowned art galleries, volunteered in the community and developed a confident voice that speaks for her values. She has also received many awards including the prestigious Roloff Beny Foundation Photographic Award (2019), Abbondànza Fine Arts Award (2018), the Indigenous Art History and Museum Studies Award (2018), and Art History/Museum Studies Gallery Award (2018), to name a few. Read more
Faculty of Health Sciences Gold Medal — Aimee Yurris
Yurris is an excellent student who is self-directed at an extremely high level. During her practicum in Aboriginal Health, she took the initiative to create and implement a complex program from the ground up. Aimée worked on spearheading the University of Lethbridge Meal Exchange Chapter, a student group with the goal of advocating for a more sustainable and equitable campus food system, and connecting our campus to the national student food security movement. Read more
Dhillon School of Business Gold Medal — Jenna Peters
Peters completed her Bachelor of Management – Finance program, and while doing so consistently demonstrated strengths in written, verbal and presentation skills. Her professors find her extremely intelligent and well-rounded; dedicated and hardworking; and, respectful and collegial. One professor was so impressed they hired her as a research assistant, and the results were equivalent to the work completed by a grad student. As an ultimate compliment, one professor acknowledged, “Jenna leads in a fashion one would hope to see exhibited by management professionals of the 21st century.” Read more
Graduate Academic Medals
School of Graduate Studies Silver Medal of Merit, Doctor of Philosophy — Aimee Benoit
Benoit’s award-winning research has made a significant contribution to our understanding of urban income inequality and the forces of social exclusion/inclusion. Through a social justice lens, she has developed a novel theoretical approach to the study of the lived and experiential dimensions of Divided Cities, the ways in which individuals navigate social difference and inequality, and the ways in which inequalities unfold in everyday lives and routine neighbourhood spaces. Her theory of belonging as practice will set a new reference marker in many urban studies disciplines. Read more
School of Graduate Studies Silver Medal of Merit, Master of Science — Elani Bykowski
Bykowski’s thesis focused on the analysis of urinary and blood-derived biomarkers in patients affected by traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury. A neuroscience major, Bykowski pursued this research under the co-supervision of Dr. Gerlinde Metz and Tony Montina in collaboration with the Foothills Medical Centre in Calgary. She was supported by a CIHR CGS-M Graduate Award and received a Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement to spend time at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Bykowski’s productive academic track record is complemented by outstanding athletic accomplishments as part of the Pronghorns golf team. Read more
School of Graduate Studies Silver Medal of Merit, Master of Nursing — Chloe Crosschild
Crosschild MN RN (Iitapii’tsaanskiaki) is a talented Blackfoot nursing scholar committed to engaging in research and nursing practice that supports Indigenous health and well-being. Her outstanding qualitative thesis research project entitled, Urban Indigenous Mothers’ Experiences with Postnatal Nursing Care in Southern Alberta: A Blackfoot Methodology, included the development of a unique Indigenous methodology based on Blackfoot ways of knowing, which provides a potential roadmap for future health research with Blackfoot peoples. Since completion of her MN program, she has been busy applying her expertise as an Indigenous advisor to the Nursing Education in Southwestern Alberta (NESA) BN Programs in the implementation of new curricular changes to address the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee. Read more
School of Graduate Studies Silver Medal of Merit, Master of Education — Rita Lal
Lal wrote and successfully defended an exceptional thesis entitled, The Nature of Parent Participation at the High School Level: An Investigation. In addition, she presented her thesis findings at an international peer reviewed conference and recently submitted an article for publication. Throughout her master’s program, Lal maintained a 4.0 GPA and is about to embark on her doctoral studies. Read more
School of Graduate Studies Silver Medal of Merit, Master of Science (Management) — Oluwaseun Ajijala
Ajijala has demonstrated excellent scholarship throughout her studies in the Human Resources and Labour Relations Master of Science (Management) program. Her strong research skills are evident in her thesis on employee support and engagement at work, which has important implications for improving best practices and well-being in the workplace. Ajijala has been an active member of the Calgary campus community and is well-known for her leadership, compassion, and positive disposition. Read more
School of Graduate Studies Silver Medal of Merit, Master of Fine Arts & Music — Tyler Muzzin
Muzzin’s exceptional thesis project displays a comprehensive knowledge of theories and practice in contemporary art. Muzzin adapts his academic inquiry in personal ways that address the creative use of media art, the ideological apparatus of the art gallery, and site-specific strategies responsive to time and place. Consistently dedicated to the highest standards in art and scholarship, balancing these with teaching and community building, his creative research and critical writing exemplify the high ambition, deep curiosity, and methodological rigour that underlie advanced art today. Read more
University of Lethbridge 2020 Spring Convocation is a virtual celebration this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For all things convocation related, visit the dedicated web page: