For the second consecutive year the University of Lethbridge has improved its ranking among the country’s elite research universities, moving up one spot in each of the undergraduate and overall categories of Research InfoSource’s annual Research Universities of the Year rankings list.
The U of L jumped to third in the country in the 2016 Undergraduate classification, while also moving up a spot to 34th in the overall rankings.

“These rankings reflect the excellent work of our faculty as they continue to excel in attracting research dollars to the University,” says U of L Vice-President (Research) Dr. Erasmus Okine. “Their research activities are making significant impacts on society, and all the while they are providing outstanding research opportunities for both our graduate and undergraduate students.”
In 2012, the U of L was named the Research University of the Year (Undergraduate).
“Our faculty are first and foremost outstanding teachers who are dedicated to their work in the classroom,” says Okine. “That they are able to maintain leading research portfolios that are consistently garnering national attention is a testament to their excellence.”
Research Infosource is Canada’s leading provider of research intelligence for business and higher education. Canada’s Top 50 Research Universities List is released each fall. Using Statistics Canada data and the Canadian University R&D Database, the list ranks universities by their research income. Accompanying the Top 50 List each year are Research Universities of the Year rankings based on a balanced scorecard of input, output and impact measures.
To look at the full rankings, visit the Research Infosource website.