They say with change there is growth, and with growth there is opportunity.
The recent amalgamation of Risk and Safety Services (RSS) with Security Services elicits some exciting changes as RSS grows its portfolio.
As part of the changes, RSS is pleased to welcome Lorna Selinger, who is assuming the position of Biosafety Officer. Selinger graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a bachelor of science degree in agriculture. She started her career with Eli Lilly and has held positions with the University of Saskatchewan, the province of Saskatchewan, Agrium and most recently with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Selinger brings to the University a wealth of knowledge and significant experience in microbiology. She was highly involved in the design, implementation and training plans for compliance with containment Level 2/2+standards outlined in Containment, Biosafety and Biosecurity Guidelines as required by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
As the University's academic and research programs have expanded, the need to grow the biosafety program became evident. Selinger will be taking over the portfolio from Bruce McMullen, who diligently managed biosafety for the University since the early 1990s.
RSS also announced that Carolin Cattoi-Demkiw, who has successfully managed the radiation safety, chemical safety and laboratory safety program for the University of Lethbridge since 2005, has been appointed Manager, Safety. Reporting to the director of Risk and Safety Services, Carolin is responsible for the supervision of the safety officers. She also assumes the management and oversight of the University's safety program, which includes occupational health & safety, radiation, laser, chemical and laboratory safety as well as biosafety.