Six University of Lethbridge residence assistants (RA) recently attended the LEAD (learn, educate, act, dare) student leadership conference at the Gull Lake Centre in Lacombe County, Alta. While there, they met with delegates from 15 other institutions across Alberta and British Columbia.
At the conference, the RAs honed their leadership skills by engaging in presentations on topics relevant to residence life. Over 100 RAs and professional staff attended the conference and University of Lethbridge RAs once again distinguished themselves as great ambassadors for the U of L and the residence life program.
Siksika and Tsuu T’ina Townhomes RA Blake Frondall won the recently renamed Jesara Nichol School Citizenship Award in honour of the late U of L RA, alumna, and Housing Services staff member Jesara Nichol. Frondall earned the award as the delegate who most embodied the spirit of LEAD, making it the seventh consecutive year the U of L has won the prize.