The University of Lethbridge campus community is reaching out to those affected by the Japanese earthquake and tsunami.
Music to Heal the Heart and Soul, on Saturday, Apr. 30 at 7:30 p.m. in Southminster United Church, is an evening of music, dance and poetry readings dedicated to the survivors and victims of the Japanese tragedy.
The program includes performances by the U of L Singers, a 32-voice mixed choir conducted by Dr. Janet Youngdahl; modern dancers led by Claire Lint; pianist Dr. Deanna Oye; and saxophonists Dr. David Renter and Andrew Ichikawa.

The diverse musical program brings the southern Alberta community together to reflect on the gravity of the disaster and challenges Japan faces in the coming years.
"The sudden and severe impact of such a disaster moves us all," says Youngdahl. "The community needs an opportunity to gather, share their thoughts and prayers, and join together with the power of music and dance."
The concert is sponsored by the Nikkei Cultural Society of Lethbridge and Area, Southminster United Church, Buddhist Temple of Southern Alberta. The West Lethbridge Lions Club is also sponsoring a post-concert reception.
Admission is free and The Salvation Army will be on hand to accept donations for Japan relief from those who wish to make a contribution.
For a look at the Legend in a flipbook format, follow this link.