
An opportunity to honour faculty achievement

The University of Lethbridge is celebrating the achievements of faculty members who authored books in the past two years with the 2011 Book Awards.
A public reception will be held in the Markin Hall Atrium on Wednesday,
Mar. 16, beginning at 3 p.m.

Following is a list of those receiving awards, and the books they authored.

2011 Book Award Recipients
Pamela Adams, The Essential Equation
Yale D. Belanger, ed. Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada
Yale D. Belanger, Ways of Knowing
Reginald W. Bibby, The Emerging Millennials
Glenda Tibe Bonifacio, ed. Gender, Religion, and Migration
Bryson Brown, ed. On Preserving
Michael Campbell, Field Recordings of Icebergs Melting
Cynthia M. Chambers, Life Writing and Literary Métissage as an Ethos for Our Times
Andrea M. Cuéllar, The Quijos Chiefdoms
Dayna B. Daniels, Polygendered and Ponytailed
Alexander Darku, Empirical Essays in Open Economy Macroeconomics
Richard G. Delisle, Les Philosophies du Néo-Darwinisme
Elizabeth A. Galway, From Nursery Rhymes to Nationhood
Trudy Govier, A Practical Study of Argument
Geoffrey Hale, ed. Borders and Bridges
John S. Harding, Introduction to the Study of Religion
John S. Harding, Mahāyāna Phoenix
John S. Harding, ed. Wild Geese
Trevor W. Harrison, 21st Century Japan
Erika Hasebe-Ludt, Life Writing and Literary Métissage as an Ethos for Our Times
David J. Hay, The Military Leadership of Matilda of Canossa, 1046-1115
M. Gordon Hunter, ed. Handbook of Research on Information Management and the Global Landscape
M. Gordon Hunter, Little Empires
M. Gordon Hunter, ed. Selected Readings on Strategic Information Systems
M. Gordon Hunter, ed. Strategic Information Systems
M. Gordon Hunter, ed. Technological Advancement in Developed and Developing Countries
Dan Johnson, Grasshopper Identification & Control Methods
Edward Jurkowski, ed. Eduard Tubin
Dan Kazakoff, Little Empires
Abdie Kazemipur, Social Capital and Diversity
Abdie Kazemipur, The Generation X
Lynn Kennedy, Born Southern
Bryan Kolb, Introduction to Brain & Behavior
Igor Kovalchuk, ed. Genome Instability and Transgenerational Effects
Igor Kovalchuk, ed. Plant Epigenetics
Olga Kovalchuk, ed. Genome Instability and Transgenerational Effects
Christopher J. Kukucha, The Provinces and Canadian Foreign Trade Policy
James R. Linville, Amos and the Cosmic Imagination
Claudia Malacrida, ed. Sociology of the Body
Jennifer Mather, Octopus
Ian McAdam, Magic and Masculinity in Early Modern English Drama
Susan A. McDaniel, ed. Ageing: Key Issues for the Twenty-First Century
Susan A. McDaniel, Close Relations
Kevin M. McGeough, ed. American Schools of Oriental Research Archaeological Reports
Kevin M. McGeough, The Romans: An Introduction
Sheila McManus, ed. One Step Over the Line
Craig Monk, Writing the Lost Generation
Dave Witte Morris, Ergodic Theory, Groups, and Geometry
Richard E. Mueller, ed. Pursuing Higher Education in Canada
Richard E. Mueller, ed. Who Goes? Who Stays? What Matters?
Maria N. Ng, Pilgrimages
Janay Nugent, ed. Finding the Family in Medieval and Early Modern Scotland
Kent A. Peacock, The Quantum Revolution
Sergio Pellis, The Playful Brain
Sergio Pellis, Sex Differences
Adriana Predoi-Cross, ed. Infrared Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Accelerator Based Sources
Janice Rahn, ed. Viewfinding
Thomas A. Robinson, Ignatius of Antioch and the Parting of the Ways
Hillary Rodrigues, Introduction to the Study of Religion
Deborah Saucier, Psychology
Shelley Scott, Nightwood Theatre
Jonathan P. Seldin, Lambda-Calculus and Combinators
Gongbing Shan, Arts Biomechanics
Amy J. Shaw, Crisis of Conscience
Alan Siaroff, Comparing Political Regimes
Michael Stingl, ed. The Price of Compassion
James Thomas, Production of High Quality Fenugreek
Brian Titley, The Indian Commissioners
David Townsend, The Essential Equation
Peter Visentin, Arts Biomechanics
Amy von Heyking, Teaching with Dear Canada
John von Heyking, ed. Civil Religion in Political Thought
John von Heyking, ed. Friendship & Politics
Judith Whitehead, Development and Dispossession in the Narmada Valley
Ian Q. Whishaw, Introduction to Brain & Behavior
Patrick C. Wilson, ed. Editing Eden
Pamela J.T. Winsor, The Language Experience Approach to Literacy for Children Learning English
Margret A. Winzer, Children with Exceptionalities in Canadian Classrooms
Margret A. Winzer, From Integration to Inclusion
Walter Wymer, ed. The Routledge Companion to Nonprofit Marketing

For a look at the March issue of the Legend in a flipbook format, follow this link.