
Model United Nations Club Represents Philippines and Micronesia at International Conference

The University of Lethbridge Model United Nations Club takes on delegates from around the world with their largest ever delegation -- 28 students – at the Harvard National Model United Nations Conference (HNMUN) in Boston, MA.

As two separate teams, the group represents the Philippines and Micronesia, and have spent the past months boning up on the political and cultural challenges each country faces.

As well, team members participate in sub-groups which debate and discuss topics such as Cyberterrorism to Ethics in Drug Research and Development and Human Trafficking.

"Students get a first-hand experience of international relations in action," said MUN Club president Vanessa Lodermeier, a 5th year, Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science student who won an Outstanding Delegate Award last year for her debate topic on Somali Pirates.

"We learn skills of diplomacy, debate and compromise – all skills which transfer not only back to the classroom, but also to the workplace. As well, learning the research process is also valuable for classes that require research papers." Lodermeier added that many students who join the club will also go on to pursue graduate school or professional schools, such as Law and Medicine.

The MUN Club Executive: (Left to right) Rhys Hakstol, 2nd year, Biochemistry; Daniel Wyton, 3rd year, Biology; Bethany Schmidt, 4th year, Sociology, Kailey Little, 2nd year, Open Studies, Vanessa Lodermeier, 5th year, Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science.

HNMUN 2011 University of Lethbridge Delegation:

Anastasia Sereda
Bethany Schmidt
Brett Stephenson
Brittany Kocken
Cayley Rauw
Christopher Hollingsworth
Dan Kapusta
Daniel Wyton
Devynn King
Elizabeth Young
Erin Little
Ian Ouwerkerk
Jared Byrne
Josh Seerattan
Kelsay Gault
Kevan Smith
Marcie Wallace
Melissa Kostiuk
Michael Amatto
Mohsin Altaf
Muzzamil Hussain
Nathan Kostiuk