Campus Life

Fall science camps filling up

Inquisitive young minds have the perfect outlet for exploring the scientific world with the University of Lethbridge's Youth Science & Technology Programs.

A trio of science camps is already close to filling registration quotas and parents are urged to sign up now if they intend to have their children take part.

The camps encompass all ages, beginning with the Little Elements Science Club for grades 1-3. This club meets at the U of L on Friday afternoons to explore a variety of science concepts. Students learn through experiments, games and crafts with fun a priority. The club begins to meet Oct. 22 and runs through Dec. 10.

The Bunsen & Beaker Science Club meets on Saturday afternoons and begins Oct. 23. It is intended for grades 4-6 students and features a variety of hands-on science activities.

Students in grades 6-12 can sign up for the LUMACS Computer Club. It also meets on Friday afternoons, beginning Oct. 22. Participants engage in hands-on computer science activities that test the limits of technology.

For more information on any of these camps, visit this link.