University of Lethbridge President Dr. Mike Mahon chats about what's happening in the University community
Over the past two months, the President's Task Force on Budget Process Review has taken a close look at how the University forms its annual budget.
Supported by a very able group of individuals appointed to the task force, the enterprise engaged people from across campus. Over the course of approximately six weeks, we consulted with faculty, staff and students via a series of retreats, open forums, Deans and Directors Councils and University Budget Committee meetings. We were very encouraged to find nearly universal agreement on your thoughts about the University's present and future budget processes.

The principles of the budget process that you endorsed were: the integration of University planning including the budget process and strategic plan, an understandable process that is iterative and builds on each stage of planning, that allows for transparency balanced with confidentiality, where outcomes are documented, timeliness is essential, and where an atmosphere of institutional trust is cultivated.
Based upon the above noted principles, the task force has now crafted a report that is in the final stages of review. This will be completed and posted online within the next few weeks. At that time, we will ask the heads of our budget units how this renewed process, in conjunction with the budget allocation model, can ensure future budgets best meet the needs of our campuses. Once this second step is completed, we will be well positioned to begin our Strategic Planning process.
Recently, I announced we are working on a President's Discussion Paper that will lay the groundwork for the future structure of the University of Lethbridge, and kick-start our strategic planning process by outlining actions to support our aspirations as a comprehensive destination university.
This paper will be available to the entire University community and we will solicit feedback as a part of the first stage of our strategic planning exercise. I am now in the thick of writing this paper, and am finding the process very encouraging. We have much progress to celebrate, and our many advances provide a terrific platform for our future.
I encourage everyone to continue to engage in the planning processes that will be happening over the next number of months. I understand that this can involve significant time and effort, but let me assure you that our intention is to streamline our planning as much as possible so that we do not overwhelm the institution, all the while maintaining a spirit of engagement and consultation.
Our goal is to have our strategic planning process for the 2014-19 Strategic Plan completed later in 2013.
Thank you to all those who participated in the budget process consultations. I look forward to our continued discussions about the future of our University of Lethbridge.
This story first appeared in the March 2012 issue of the Legend. For a look at the full issue in a flipbook format, follow this link.