The University of Lethbridge has released a new strategic roadmap that will guide the University forward over the next five years.

The U of L’s 2014/19 Strategic Plan, dubbed Destination 2020, outlines the U of L’s strategic priorities and identifies actions to ensure its goals are realized.
The approval of the strategic plan by the Board of Governors occurred at its December 12, 2013 meeting, which concluded an 18-month process that included consultation across the University campus and greater community.
“This new strategic plan makes absolutely clear where our priorities lie and what the commitments are that we make to our students and to society in general,” says Board Chair Gord Jong. “The progress of the U of L over the past 47 years is an exceptional story, as already our institution is recognized a national leader. However, now is not the time to be complacent and this new strategic plan will ensure we remain relevant to our important stakeholders well into the future.”
The strategic plan includes a new vision, entitled Where We Are Going:
“We will be Canada’s destination for all who seek a comprehensive, liberal education-based university that promotes a diverse and inclusive environment and inspires research-informed teaching and learning, creative discovery, scholarship, professional endeavor, experiential opportunities and community engagement.”
Destination 2020 clearly defines Who We Are, Why We Exist, Our Fundamental Principals, Strategic Directions and Connecting To Action.
Further, the new strategic plan contains measures that will be used in determining the success of the plan through its implementation.
Outlined within the plan are strategic directions, which include Excelling as a Comprehensive University; Inspiring and Supporting Student Potential; Promoting Access to Quality; Affordable Post-Secondary Education; Building Internal Community and Enhancing Relationships with External Communities; and Enhancing the Sustainability of the University.
University of Lethbridge President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Mike Mahon says the strength of the new Strategic Plan is due to the broad participation of the University community in the process.
“We had a robust discussion across our campus and broader community in creating this very important plan,” says Mahon. “Through open forums, the General Faculties Council, sessions with students, consultations with academic and administrative units, alumni, senate and other community members we have a plan that encapsulates our aspirations as a university and provides a guide for how to achieve them.”
Mahon says this new plan was created as the previous plan was set to expire. He says going forward there may be interim amendments made to the plan as opportunities arise and landscapes change.
The Destination 2020 document can be viewed here.