After surviving five cold and snowy nights on the cement pad outside the 1st Choice Savings Centre for Sport and Wellness, the University of Lethbridge Faculty of Management's 5 Days for the Homeless team announced it had raised an outstanding $11,479.26 in support of Wood's Homes emergency youth shelter.

Over the course of one week, the students sacrificed all technology, routine meals, a warm bed, and their own personal hygiene to contribute to the cause. In addition to not having access to their own money, students had only the clothing on their backs and the sleeping bags that they were permitted to bring with them as amenities for the full five days. They were also only be permitted to eat food that was given to them.
The group constructed its own shelter out of cardboard and tape, and relied on the generosity of the University community to help them through the five days on the street.
This year's guest sleepers included Director of External Relations (Management) Steve Craig, Student Union VP-External Affairs Adam Long, Faculty of Management students Kelly Stevens and Matt Sheremeta, political science student Mac Nichol, and Faculty of Health Sciences student Heather Nixdorf. Lethbridge mayor Chris Spearman also paid a visit to the students to offer his support.
The team would like to express its sincere gratitude to the University of Lethbridge community, to everyone who donated in person and online, and to the organizers and guests who helped make the event a success.
The team and its organizers consisted of: C J White Quills, Matt Gagne, Samantha Richardson, Kate Kovacs, Sara Unrau, Kelly Stevens, Amie Hagstrom, Nicole Meurs and Heather Harty.