General Admission

The minimum admission requirements that all applicants to undergraduate programs at the University of Lethbridge must meet. Many programs have additional admission requirements that must also be met. See Admission, General Admission.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The current GPA is calculated on all graded courses completed in a given term. The cumulative GPA is calculated on all graded courses completed at the University of Lethbridge at a given level (undergraduate or graduate). Other types of GPA, such as Admission GPA or Program GPA, are used by certain Faculties, Schools or units at the University of Lethbridge. These are defined by the Faculty, School or unit that uses them (see Academic Regulations, Grade Point Average Calculations).

Grading Mode

The type of grade that will be awarded in a course as defined in Academic Regulations, Grading. The standard grading mode employed by instructors is a letter grade; the alternative grading mode is Pass/Fail.

Graduate Student

A student enrolled in a graduate or post-graduate program that leads to a graduate certificate, graduate diploma, master’s, or doctoral credential at the University of Lethbridge.