Topics Courses

Topics courses (numbered 1850, 2850, 3850, or 4850) may be offered in a discipline. The subject matter of Topics courses varies with each offering, with different offerings indicated by distinct titles. Students may take more than one offering of a Topics course for credit if the offerings are distinct (i.e. if each offering taken has a different title).

Topics courses are offered on an irregular basis and do not appear in the Course Catalogue of the Calendar; Topics courses are listed in the current term Timetable. Contact hours for Topics courses may vary according to the nature of the course and will appear in the Timetable entry.

Prerequisites/corequisites/recommended background for individual offerings will appear in the Timetable entry and will normally specify one or more of the following: level-appropriate courses in the discipline/related disciplines, year of standing, appropriate majors, admission to a University of Lethbridge program, or some other special requirement (e.g. an interview).