Bachelor of Fine Arts - Dramatic Arts/Bachelor of Education

The Faculties of Fine Arts and Education jointly offer a 50-course (150.0 credit hour) Combined Degrees program leading to the degrees Bachelor of Fine Arts - Dramatic Arts (B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts) and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.). Upon successful completion of the Combined Degrees program, the student receives the B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts degree from the Faculty of Fine Arts and the B.Ed. degree from the Faculty of Education.


Students begin in the Pre-B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed. program in the Faculty of Fine Arts, where they progress toward completion of Fine Arts degree requirements and prepare to meet the admission requirements for the Faculty of Education. After completion of the minimum admission requirements for the Faculty of Education, students may apply and, if accepted, be formally enrolled in the B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed. Combined Degrees program.

Students are not officially in the Combined Degrees program until they have been admitted to both the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Education.

Applications are accepted for the Pre-B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed. and B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed. programs for the fall term only. Applicants should consult Admission for general admission requirements, policies, and deadlines.

1.Faculty of Fine Arts Admission Requirements for the Pre-B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed and B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed.

Applicants to the Pre-B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed. and B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed. programs must meet the general admission requirements outlined in Admission.

Enrolment in these programs is limited and admission is competitive; selections are made based on academic proficiency, as demonstrated by grade achievement.

2.Faculty of Education Admission Requirements for the B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed.

Based on the Faculty’s quota system, normally a total of 216 students in all programs will be admitted to Bachelor of Education programs (Combined Degrees and After Degree) each year. Admission for this undergraduate teacher preparation program is available in the fall term only.

Because admission to the Faculty is competitive within each teaching major, the completion of minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission to the program. Successful applicants are selected each year from a pool that includes both Combined Degrees and After Degree applicants.

Applicants are encouraged to consult early with Student Program Services in the Faculty of Education regarding admission requirements and program planning.

Applicants must meet the following minimum requirements for admission to the Faculty of Education:

a.Completion of a minimum of 14 University of Lethbridge or transferable courses (42.0 credit hours), including at least five courses (15.0 credit hours) in the B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts major.

Note: Due to the sequencing of required courses, the Faculty of Fine Arts strongly advises students to apply to the Faculty of Education for admission only after completion of three years of study in the Faculty of Fine Arts. Students who opt to apply to the Faculty of Education earlier should consult with an academic advisor in the Faculty of Fine Arts to discuss the implications entering the Faculty of Education may have on their remaining requirements in the B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts.

b.A minimum admission GPA of 2.50 (on the University of Lethbridge 4.00 scale), calculated on all University of Lethbridge and transferable courses taken within the terms containing the last 14 courses (42.0 credit hours). All courses must be graded.

c.A minimum major GPA of 2.50 (on the University of Lethbridge 4.00 scale), calculated on all graded courses comprising the B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts major

d.Education 2500 - Orientation to Teaching (or equivalent) including a favourable recommendation from the instructor (see Faculty of Education, Education 2500 Prerequisite).

e.Only courses completed by the admission document deadline will be considered for admission (see Exceptions are made for the completion of Education 2500 when applicants are completing the course over the winter or summer preceding admission.

f.Special Case Admission

Applicants who have a satisfactory academic record but who, for some reason, had a period of time when their performance was significantly lower may apply for Special Case admission (up to four such applicants may be admitted each year). See Faculty of Education, Special Case Admission for details.

g.Admission Procedures Available to Students of Aboriginal Descent

The Faculty of Education provides two alternative admission opportunities for applicants of Aboriginal descent. See Faculty of Education, Admission Procedures Available to Students of Indigenous Descent for details.

h.Returning after Withdrawal or Required Withdrawal from the Faculty of Education

Students who withdrew or who were required to withdraw from the Faculty of Education should refer to Faculty of Education, Readmission after Withdrawal.

b.Faculty of Fine Arts Requirements for the 50-Course B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed.

1.Completion of at least 30 courses (90.0 credit hours) from disciplines offered by the Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Arts and Science, or the School of Liberal Education with a GPA of at least 2.00 (on the University of Lethbridge 4.0 scale).

2.A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 (on the University of Lethbridge 4.0 scale) on all Drama courses.

3.Completion of the Liberal Education List Requirement (see School of Liberal Education, Liberal Education List Requirement).

4.Completion of at least 10 Drama courses at the 3000/4000 level.

5.A maximum of three Independent Studies (9.0 credit hours) (see Academic Regulations, Exceeding Course Limits).

6.Not more than eight courses may be taken at the 0100/1000 level for credit toward the degree. Activity courses and courses numbered in the range 0520 to 0530 are exempted from this limit (see Academic Regulations, Exceeding Course Limits).

Required courses:

Drama 1000 - Introduction to Dramatic Arts

Drama 2010 - Performance Fundamentals

Drama 2100 - Play Reading and Analysis

Drama 2120 - History and Development of Theatre I

Drama 2130 - History and Development of Theatre II

Drama 2310 - Acting I

Drama 2420 - Directing I

Drama 2810 - Introduction to Stagecraft

Drama 3100 - Theatre in Performance

Drama 3420 - Directing II

Drama 3600 - Drama Portfolio II

Drama 3611 - Advanced Stagecraft I

One of:

Drama 2320 - Voice I

Drama 2340 - Movement I

Drama 2740 - Devised Theatre I

One of:

Drama 3130 - Canadian Theatre

Drama 3150 - Theatre Studies (Series)

Drama 3151 - Play Reading and Analysis II

Drama 3160 - Dramaturgy

Seven elective Drama courses (21.0 credit hours) including five at the 3000/4000 level

One elective (3.0 credit hours) from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Arts and Science, or the School of Liberal Education

c.Faculty of Education Requirements for the 50-Course B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed.

1.Application and admission to the Faculty of Education.

2.Completion of the equivalent of 20 Education courses including:

Education 2500

1Professional Semesters I, II, and III

2One Education Foundation course

Three Education electives

1Students entering the Faculty of Education should note that practicum placements include locations outside of Lethbridge. Students must be prepared to travel. Some locations require relocation Monday to Friday. While not an admission requirement to the Faculty of Education, school jurisdictions and schools require a criminal record check (or equivalent) from student teachers prior to practicum. The student is responsible for the cost of obtaining such documentation.

2The Education Foundation Requirement may be met in the following ways:

a.One course from the following list:

Education 4310 - Comparative Studies of Education in Developed and Third World Nations

Education 4311 - World Issues and Problems in Education

Education 4320 - Education and Society from a Sociological Perspective

Education 4321 - Social Issues in Education

Education 4341 - Foundations of Multicultural Education in Canada

Education 4360 - Studies in the History of Western Education

Education 4361 - History of Canadian Education

Education 4362 - Concepts of Childhood in the History of Education

Education 4380 - Developing a Philosophy of Education

Education 4381 - Ethics of Teaching

Education 4391 - Seminar in Educational Foundations (Series)

b.One appropriate Independent Study.

3.Maintain a program GPA of 2.50 in Education courses.

4.Completion of the appropriate Education major as defined by the program.

5.Maintenance of a program GPA of 2.50 in the appropriate Education major.

6.Completion of the Liberal Education List Requirement (see School of Liberal Education, Liberal Education List Requirement).

d.Sample Sequencing Plan

Sample sequencing plans are created to provide students with an example of how to plan courses for the duration of a program. Sample sequencing plans for each program and major can be found in the applicable Program Planning Guide.

e.Academic Regulations

In the Combined Degrees program, students divide their time between different Faculties or Schools which measure different standards of academic performance. Students should read the academic regulations for each Faculty or School in which a portion of the Combined Degrees will be taken. For the B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed., students should be aware of the Faculty of Education regulations and Faculty of Fine Arts regulations.

f.Education Minor Requirements

Students may elect to complete a minor in addition to a major. The minor must be a school subject and include five non-Education courses and an appropriate Education Methods course, usually selected from the Education 3700 Series. Students are eligible to receive an endorsement on their official academic transcripts upon completion of a minor. Please refer to Faculty of Education, Education Minors for information on Education minor requirements.

g.Residence Requirement

Students must complete a minimum of 30 courses at the University of Lethbridge, including 15 Education courses, and 15 courses offered by the Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Arts and Science, or the School of Liberal Education, including a minimum of seven courses in Drama. Students should note that the residence requirement for the B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed. is subject to the Faculty of Fine Arts transfer policy. If a student withdraws from the B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed. and is admitted to a program offered by the Faculty of Arts and Science, transfer credit will be reassessed based on the Faculty of Arts and Science transfer policy.

h.Education Special Study Arrangements

Applied Studies

Eligible students in the Faculty of Education may earn up to five course credits through Applied Studies, designated by the numbers Education 2510 and Education 4980. The Applied Studies program for the Faculty of Education is coordinated through the Coordinator of Applied Studies, Faculty of Arts and Science, in consultation with the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs, Faculty of Education.

Independent Study

A maximum of two Independent Studies may be completed in the B.Ed. portion of the B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed. (see Academic Regulations, Exceeding Course Limits).