Application for Awards


These guidelines are intended to ensure consistency and equity in the administration of awards and financial aid. The guidelines also assist students in developing an argument to defer or appeal an award decision. The Student Awards Committee is at liberty to set these guidelines aside when extenuating circumstances arise.


1.Application and Application Deadlines

To be eligible for awards and scholarships, applications must be completed and received by Scholarships and Student Finance no later than the designated date. Applications are accessible via the Bridge. Only in circumstances that are substantially beyond the student’s control will an appeal be considered for an application submitted after the stated deadline date. Unless otherwise stated, application deadlines are as follows:

Board of Governors’ Admission Scholarship

A completed Application for Admission must be received by December 15

High School: March 15

Transfer: June 15

Continuing Undergraduate: May 1

All online applications close at midnight on the stated deadline. Successful applicants will be notified by the start of the fall term.

When an award recipient is to be nominated and no nomination is received; where appropriate, the University reserves the right to make a selection based on academic achievement.

Note: Deadlines falling on Saturdays, Sundays or statutory holidays will be moved to the following business day.

2.Conditions of Receiving Awards

Scholarships administered by the University of Lethbridge are available only to students pursuing University of Lethbridge programs or to students enrolled in recognized professional transfer programs. All awards are contingent upon students proceeding with their University program in the next academic year and are payable only when the student is in actual attendance as a full-time student in a study term at the University of Lethbridge. Students are required to be registered for the fall term as of August 15.

If a student withdraws from full-time studies after having received a payment for an award, unpaid balances of awards outstanding are forfeited.

Grades received in prior years will not be considered a second time for scholarship purposes. Eligibility for future scholarships will be based on future academic achievement.

Exceptions to these requirements are:

a.Part-time Awards - If an award has been granted to a part-time student, the award will be payable when the student is in actual attendance at the University of Lethbridge.

b.Immersion Students - If an award has been granted to a student who will be attending another institution to participate in an approved Visiting Student program, the award will be disbursed to the student. Students must be registered in French 2250 or Spanish 2250 at the University of Lethbridge to receive payment.

c.Graduating Students - If a student has been granted an award designated for a graduating student, the student will receive payment of the award without being required to register in the next academic session.

d.Awarding Posthumously - Financial awards will not be disbursed posthumously.

3.Payment of Awards

a.Replacement - Any award administered by the University of Lethbridge is subject to replacement by an award of equal or greater value.

b.Payment Schedule - Unless otherwise stated, awards adjudicated through the main awards cycle (with deadlines March 15, May 1, or June 15) will be disbursed in two equal payments prior to the fall and winter tuition deadlines (see Fees, Important Dates and Fee Deadlines). Unless otherwise stated, off cycle awards will be issued in full in the term the application is submitted.

c.Students Graduating in December - If the award is paid in two payments, the student must be registered in both the fall and winter terms. However, students who are completing their graduation requirements in the fall semester will receive the second payment upon written request and confirmation of a graduation application.

d.Deductions - The University may deduct from award payments any funds owed to the University.

e.Note of Appreciation - Where a donor contact is available, award recipients will be expected to write a note of appreciation to the donor.

f.According to Canadian Tax regulations all financial awards granted to a student may be considered taxable income. Students will receive a T4A information slip for awards paid to them in the calendar year (January - December).


Requests for award deferral are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and are not granted automatically. Consideration for deferral may be given to students experiencing extenuating circumstances that impact their ability to enroll in courses. It is the student’s responsibility to request the deferral of an award, scholarship or bursary in writing to the Scholarships and Student Finance office. Documentation may be required. Please note, deferrals cannot extend beyond the academic year in which the award is granted. Deferral requests must be submitted by September 15 of the year in which the award is to be issued:

c.Measuring Academic Performance for Scholarship Purposes

1.Academic Records

Final official academic transcripts must be received by August 15 in order to receive an award.

2.High School Applicant Awards

These awards are for students entering the University for the first time. Unless otherwise stated, the criterion for awards for new post-secondary students is demonstrated academic achievement. Academic achievement for Alberta high school graduates is based on the admission average, as defined in Admission. Unless otherwise stated, the minimum admission average required is 80 percent for scholarships and 70 percent for awards.

Equivalent credentials from other educational jurisdictions will be considered in accordance with the Admission guidelines stated in the University of Lethbridge Undergraduate Calendar.

Awards offered to high school applicants based on interim admission averages are subject to cancellation or changes to the award value if final admission averages deviate more than five percent and/or drop below an actual admission average of 80 percent.

3.Transfer Awards

These awards are for students entering the University for the first time and admitted as transfer applicants as defined in Admission. Unless otherwise stated, the criterion for transfer awards is demonstrated academic achievement measured by the award transferable GPA as defined in Definition of Terms. In the case of scholarships and awards for which the main criterion is academic achievement, consideration is given only to candidates who have successfully completed a minimum of 24.0 credit hours while enrolled in a post-secondary level program. These courses must transfer into the program for which the candidate has been admitted to the University. The minimum award transferable GPA required is 3.50 for scholarships and 3.00 for awards.

4.Post-Diploma Awards

These awards are for students entering the University for the first time and admitted as college diploma applicants as defined in Admission. Unless otherwise stated, the criterion for post-diploma awards is demonstrated academic achievement measured by the diploma cumulative program GPA. The minimum cumulative program GPA required is 3.50 for scholarships and 3.00 for awards.

5.Collaborative Program Awards

These awards are for students who have completed their course work at the collaborating college and are starting their full-time course work at the University of Lethbridge. Unless otherwise stated, the criterion for collaborative program awards is demonstrated academic achievement measured by the award transferable GPA as defined in Definition of Terms. In the case of scholarships and awards for which the main criterion is academic achievement, consideration is only given to candidates who have successfully completed a minimum of 24.0 credit hours in the preceding fall and winter terms while attending full-time studies at the collaborating college. The minimum award transferable GPA required is 3.50 for scholarships and 3.00 for awards.

6.Continuing Undergraduate Awards

These awards are for students who are continuing in full-time studies in their undergraduate program. Unless otherwise stated, the criterion for undergraduate awards is demonstrated academic achievement measured by the award GPA as defined in Definition of Terms. Consideration is given only to candidates who have successfully completed a minimum of 24.0 credit hours in the last two terms while attending full-time studies at the University of Lethbridge. While 24.0 credit hours is the minimum criterion that applies, all other things being equal, those students taking more than 24.0 credit hours over the academic year will be given priority in the case of a tie. Summer session courses are not calculated in a student’s award GPA or minimum credit hour requirement. Unless otherwise stated the minimum award GPA required is 3.50 for scholarships and 3.00 for awards.

Students who interrupt post-secondary studies and return after an absence shall be considered for University of Lethbridge awards. Evaluation will be based on the student’s last year of full-time attendance at the University of Lethbridge subject to the rules guiding Undergraduate Awards.

For award purposes, Pass/Fail courses are included in the 24.0 credit hours; courses designated Credit/Non-Credit are not included in the 24.0 credit hours.

Students with an Incomplete or Continuing grade appearing on their academic transcript in the last two terms will have until August 15 to complete the course and remain eligible for awards. This guideline applies to all students applying for Undergraduate Awards.

7.Athletic Awards

Athletes must have been enrolled in full-time studies (9.0 credit hours) in each of the previous fall and winter terms while participating on a University of Lethbridge Pronghorn athletic team. Athletes must be pursuing a University of Lethbridge degree or enrolled in a recognized professional transfer program. Unless otherwise stated, the minimum award GPA required is 2.00. All athletic awards are subject to U Sports regulations.


Since the University of Lethbridge Calendar is published a considerable time before the beginning of the academic year, the University reserves the right to make whatever changes circumstances may require, including cancellation of particular awards or changes to the minimum GPA required for awards.

e.Definition of Terms

Note: Award is used generically throughout Awards and Scholarships to describe non-repayable financial support.

1.Academic Medals

Academic medals are awarded to the most distinguished students graduating from the University of Lethbridge. Medals are presented at Spring Convocation and all students who have completed degree requirements between May 1 and April 30 may be considered for medals. Students receiving academic medals are nominated by their respective Faculties/Schools.

2.Athletic Award

An athletic award is non-repayable financial support provided to a student who is participating on a Pronghorn Athletics team and enrolled in full-time studies. Athletic awards are subject to U Sports regulations.


An award is non-repayable financial support provided to a student who demonstrates academic achievement and meets additional defined criteria. These criteria may include participation in extracurricular activities, demonstrated leadership, contribution to the campus community and/or the local community, and financial need.

4.Award Grade Point Average (GPA)

For award purposes, the award GPA is calculated on all University of Lethbridge courses completed in the fall and winter terms of the previous academic year with the exception of Audit and Credit/Non-Credit course designation.

5.Award Transferable Grade Point Average (GPA)

For award purposes, the award transferable GPA is calculated on all transferable courses that were completed.


A bursary is non-repayable financial support provided to a student who demonstrates financial need and who is in good standing academically.

7.Course Load Requirements

To be considered eligible for most undergraduate and transfer awards at the University of Lethbridge, candidates must have successfully completed a minimum of 24.0 credit hours in the previous fall and winter terms.


A deferral is a postponement of a payment of an award, scholarship, or bursary until the student is registered full-time in credit courses at the University of Lethbridge.


An undergraduate student is considered to be in full-time studies when enrolled in a minimum of 9.0 credit hours in a fall or winter term.

10.High School Applicant Awards

High School Applicant Awards are available for students admitted to the University of Lethbridge on the basis of their high school credentials. Students may complete a maximum of two transferable post-secondary courses and still remain eligible for High School Applicant Awards.


A prize is awarded for outstanding achievement in a course or a set of courses or an academic competition. A prize may be monetary or a gift-in-kind.


A scholarship is non-repayable financial support provided to a student primarily on the basis of academic achievement. Additional defined eligibility or criteria may include program, year of program, major, demonstrated leadership, or artistic excellence.

13.Nominated Awards

Nominated awards are adjudicated by a selection committee either from a specific department, Faculty or School. Unless otherwise stated, these are included in the main award cycle (winter term) and often do not require an application.