Program Requirements

a.Year of the Calendar

Students are governed by the program requirements of the Calendar in effect at the time of the most recent admission. However, students are governed by the current Calendar in all other respects (e.g., academic regulations, order of registration, fees, course prerequisites, etc.) regardless of the year of admission or readmission.

When a student’s registration at the University is interrupted and the student subsequently is readmitted to a University program, the student shall be governed by the Calendar in effect at the time of readmission, unless granted special permission.

A continuing student may opt to be governed by any Calendar from the one in effect at the point of most recent admission to the University, to the current Calendar. If a student opts for a particular Calendar, all program requirements of the chosen Calendar shall apply, while the current Calendar shall apply in all other respects.

Any student wishing to change the Year of the Calendar must apply to their Faculty or School Academic Advising or Student Program Services office.

b.Liberal Education List Requirement

In keeping with the Liberal Education focus of the University, all students in an undergraduate degree program must complete the Liberal Education List Requirement (Lib Ed List Requirement) (see School of Liberal Education, Liberal Education List Requirement).

c.Residence Requirements and Time Limits

Please note the following for the last three columns of the table:

Column A: Residence Requirement

A student who is a candidate for an undergraduate credential must satisfy the minimum residence requirement through successful completion of University of Lethbridge courses. A single course, as listed in this table, is the equivalent of 3.0 credit hours.

For some University of Lethbridge programs, students are required to take courses at another institution under Visiting Student Authorization. Such courses taken under Visiting Student Authorization will be counted as University of Lethbridge courses for residence requirement purposes.

Column B: Time Limit for Retention of Individual Course Credit

Many courses have a defined ‘shelf life.’ A course may be used to meet program requirements for a specific number of years. After that point, credit for that course is not retained.

Column C: Time Limit for Program Completion

A student who is a candidate for a credential must satisfy all program requirements within the time limit established by the Faculty or School administering that program.


Number of Courses in Program

A.Residence Requirement
(Minimum number of terms and/or University of Lethbridge courses required and, if applicable, when they must be completed in the program.)

B.Time Limit for Retention of Individual Course Credit
(University of Lethbridge and/or transfer credit.)

C.Time Limit for Program Completion

Faculty of Arts and Science

Undergraduate Certificate

Indigenous Student Success


8 courses (24.0 credit hours).

No limit.

No limit.

Certificate in Arts and Science


7 courses (21.0 credit hours) from disciplines offered by the Faculty of Arts and Science, Faculty of Fine Arts, and School of Liberal Education.

No limit.

No limit.

B.A., B.Sc., BASc.


20 courses, including at least 10 courses (30.0 credit hours) from disciplines offered by the Faculty of Arts and Science, Faculty of Fine Arts, and School of Liberal Education at the 3000/4000 level.

No limit.

No limit.

B.A., B.Sc., BASc. (After an approved degree)

Minimum of 20

20 courses, taken after admission to the second degree program, including at least 10 courses (30.0 credit hours) at the 3000/4000 level.

No limit.

No limit.


B.A., B.Sc. - Agricultural Studies major

B.Sc. - Computer Science major

B.Sc. - Environmental Science major

B.Sc. - Geography with a Concentration in Geographical Information Science major


20 courses. (No transfer credit.)

No limit.

No limit.

Faculty of Education

B.Ed. (Early Years Education)


21 courses in Education

No limit.

No limit.

B.Ed. (After an approved degree)


20 courses

No limit.

No limit.

B.Ed. (After Teacher Training)


Set on an individual basis.

No limit.

No limit.

Diploma in Education


5 courses

No limit.

5 years after admission. (Extension possible upon application.)

Faculty of Fine Arts

B.F.A. - Art


20 courses, including a minimum of 12 offered by the Department of Art of which at least 7 must be at the 3000/4000 level.

No limit.

No limit.

B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts


20 courses, including a minimum of 12 in Drama of which at least 7 must be at the 3000/4000 level.

No limit.

No limit.

B.F.A. - Indigenous Art


20 courses, including a minimum of 12 offered by the Department of Art of which at least 7 must be at the 3000/4000 level and at least four courses offered by the Department of Indigenous Studies.

No limit.

No limit.

B.F.A. - Multidisciplinary


20 courses, including a minimum of 12 in the Faculty of Fine Arts and the last 10 taken for credit toward the degree.

No limit.

No limit.

B.F.A. - New Media


20 courses, including a minimum of 12 offered by the Department of New Media of which at least 7 must be at the 3000/4000 level.

No limit.

No limit.



20 courses, including a minimum of 12 in Music and/or Music Studio of which at least 7 must be at the 3000/4000 level.

No limit.

No limit.

Second Degree (After an approved degree)

B.F.A. - Art

B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts

B.F.A. - Indigenous Art

B.F.A. - Multidisciplinary

B.F.A. - New Media


Minimum of 20

20 courses, taken after admission to the second degree program.

No limit.

No limit.

Post-Diploma (After a two-year diploma)

B.F.A. - Art

B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts



20 courses. (No transfer credit.)

No limit.

No limit.

Post-Diploma (After a three-year diploma)

B.F.A. - Art

B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts



15 courses. (No transfer credit.)

No limit.

No limit.

Post-Diploma (After a two- or three-year diploma)

B.F.A. - Multidisciplinary


20 courses. (No transfer credit.)

No limit.

No limit.

Faculty of Health Sciences



20 courses, including a minimum of 10 from the Faculty of Health Sciences.

No limit.

Within 7 years of completion of the first required course offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences.


41.3 (124.0 cr. hrs.)

20 courses, including a minimum of 12 in Nursing and Health Sciences (see Faculty of Health Sciences, Degree Programs).

7 years for Nursing courses; 10 years for Human Anatomy and Human Physiology courses (see Faculty of Health Sciences, Degree Programs).

7 years after completion of the first Nursing course used for the degree.

B.N. - After Degree

27 (81.0 cr. hrs.)

19.3 courses (58.0 cr. hrs.).

6 years for Nursing courses.

6 years after completion of the first Nursing course used for the degree



20 courses.

No limit.

6 years after completion of the first Therapeutic Recreation course used for the degree.

Post-Diploma B.H.Sc.


20 courses.

No limit.

6 years after completion of the first course offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences used for the degree.

Dhillon School of Business



20 courses, including 10 3000/4000-level Dhillon School of Business courses.2,3,5,6

See Note 1.

Dhillon School of Business Core courses (except MGT 4090): no limit; MGT 4090 and Dhillon School of Business Non-core courses: 10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

B.Mgt. (As a second degree)


15 courses, including at least 10 3000/4000 level Dhillon School of Business courses.2,3,5,6

See Note 1.

Dhillon School of Business Core courses (except MGT 4090): no limit; MGT 4090 and Dhillon School of Business Non-core courses: 10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

Post-Diploma B.Mgt.


20 courses.2,3,5,6

No transfer credit for admission purposes.1

Dhillon School of Business Core courses (except MGT 4090): no limit; MGT 4090 and Dhillon School of Business Non-core courses: 10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

Undergraduate Diploma


10 courses towards the Undergraduate Diploma taken at the University of Lethbridge.6

See Note 1.

Dhillon School of Business Core courses (except MGT 4090): no limit; MGT 4090 and Dhillon School of Business Non-core courses: 10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

Management Certificate


5 courses towards a Dhillon School of Business Certificate.2,3

See Note 1.

Dhillon School of Business Core courses (except MGT 4090): no limit; MGT 4090 and Dhillon School of Business Non-core courses: 10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

5 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

Post-Bachelor Certificate in Accounting Fundamentals (formerly Post-Bachelor Certificate in Accounting)


5 courses towards the Post-Bachelor Certificate in Accounting Fundamentals taken at the University of Lethbridge.

See Note 1.

Dhillon School of Business Core courses (except MGT 4090): no limit; MGT 4090 and Dhillon School of Business Non-core courses: 10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

5 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

Post-Bachelor Certificate in Advanced Accounting)


5 courses toward the Post-Bachelor Certificate in Advanced Accounting taken at the University of Lethbridge.5

See Note 1.

Dhillon School of Business Core courses (except MGT 4090): no limit; MGT 4090 and Dhillon School of Business Non-core courses: 10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

5 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

Combined Post-Bachelor Certificate in Accounting


5 courses toward the Post-Bachelor Certificate in Accounting Fundamentals and 5 courses toward the Post-Bachelor Certificate in Accounting.

See Note 1.

Dhillon School of Business Core courses (except MGT 4090): no limit; MGT 4090 and Dhillon School of Business Non-core courses: 10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

5 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

Combined Degrees

B.A./B.Ed., B.Sc./B.Ed.


30 courses, including 15 courses from disciplines offered by the Faculty of Arts and Science, Faculty of Fine Arts, and School of Liberal Education and 15 courses in Education.

No limit.

No limit.

B.F.A. - Art/B.Ed.


30 courses, including 15 in Fine Arts or Arts and Science (7 of which must be Art, Art History, and/or Museum Studies) and 15 in Education.

No limit.

No limit.

B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed.


30 courses, including 15 in Fine Arts or Arts and Science (7 of which must be Drama) and 15 in Education.

No limit.

No limit.

B.F.A. - New Media/B.Ed.


30 courses, including 15 in Fine Arts or Arts and Science (7 of which must be New Media) and 15 in Education.

No limit.

No limit.



32 courses, including 17 in Fine Arts or Arts and Science (9 of which must be Music and/or Music Studio) and 15 in Education.

No limit.

No limit.



30 courses, including 10 from the Dhillon School of Business (7 of which must be at the 3000/4000 level) and 15 in Education.

No limit for Education courses.

Dhillon School of Business Core courses (except MGT 4090): no limit; MGT 4090 and Dhillon School of Business Non-core courses: 10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.1

10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

B.A./B.Mgt., B.Sc./B.Mgt.


30 courses, including 20 courses from disciplines offered by the Faculty of Arts and Science, Faculty of Fine Arts, and School of Liberal Education and 10 courses from the Dhillon School of Business at the 3000/4000 level.2,4,5,6

No limit for Arts and Science courses.

Dhillon School of Business Core courses (except MGT 4090): no limit; MGT 4090 and Dhillon School of Business Non-core courses: 10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.1

10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

B.F.A. - New Media/B.Mgt.


30 courses, including 7 New Media courses and 10 Dhillon School of Business courses at the 3000/4000 level.2

No limit for New Media courses.

Dhillon School of Business Core courses (except MGT 4090): no limit; MGT 4090 and Dhillon School of Business Non-core courses: 10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.1

Faculty of Fine Arts - No limit.

10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

B.H.Sc. (Addictions Counselling)/B.A. (Psychology)


30 courses, including a minimum of 20 Health Sciences courses and 10 courses from disciplines offered by the Faculty of Arts and Science.

No limit.

Within 7 years of completion of the first required course offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences.



30 courses, including a minimum of 15 Health Sciences courses and 10 Dhillon School of Business courses at the 3000/4000 level.2

7 years for Public Health courses.

Dhillon School of Business Core courses (except MGT 4090): no limit; MGT 4090 and Dhillon School of Business Non-core courses: 10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.1

Faculty of Health Sciences - 7 years after completion of the first Public Health course used for the degree.

10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.


B.F.A. - Art/B.Ed.

B.F.A. - Dramatic Arts/B.Ed. (After a two- or three-year diploma)

B.Mus./B.Ed. (After a two- or three-year diploma)


35 courses, including a minimum of 8 in the discipline (Art, Art History, Museum Studies, Drama, or Music) and 20 courses in Education. (No transfer credit.)

No limit.

No limit.

Post-Diploma - B.Mgt./B.Ed.


30 courses, including 8 from the Dhillon School of Business and 15 in Education.

No limit for Education courses.

Dhillon School of Business Core courses (except MGT 4090): no limit; MGT 4090 and Dhillon School of Business Non-core courses: 10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.1

10 years after admission to the Dhillon School of Business.

1MGT 4090 and non-core courses transferring to a Dhillon School of Business program must have been completed at a recognized post-secondary institution not more than eight years prior to admission to the Dhillon School of Business. Once admitted, credit is retained until completion of the program (up to a maximum of 10 years after admission).

2Students who study at an international institution under Exchange Student authorization will count the exchange courses toward meeting the minimum residence requirement.

3Exceptions apply to certain majors for the ten 3000/4000-level Dhillon School of Business courses required for residency. Students in the following majors may use courses in the major towards this requirement: Computer Science majors can use 3000/4000-level Computer Science courses in addition to 3000/4000-level Dhillon School of Business courses; Economics majors can use 3000/4000-level Economics courses in addition to 3000/4000-level Dhillon School of Business courses; Indigenous Governance and Business Management majors can use 3000/4000-level Indigenous Studies courses in addition to 3000/4000-level Dhillon School of Business courses; and Political Science majors can use 3000/4000-level Political Science courses in addition to 3000/4000-level Dhillon School of Business courses.

4Exceptions apply to certain majors for the ten 3000/4000-level Dhillon School of Business courses required for residency. Students in the following majors may use courses in the major towards this requirement: Economics majors can use 3000/4000-level Economics courses in addition to 3000/4000-level Dhillon School of Business courses; Indigenous Governance and Business Management majors can use 3000/4000-level Indigenous Studies courses in addition to 3000/4000-level Dhillon School of Business courses; and Political Science majors can use 3000/4000-level Political Science courses in addition to 3000/4000-level Dhillon School of Business courses.

5In addition to meeting the residence requirement for their program, students in the Accounting major must complete five of the following courses at the University of Lethbridge: Accounting 3100, 3101, 3130, 3131, 3151, 3160, 3171, 3180, 3190, 4110, 4125, 4130, 4151, 4160.

6Finance majors must complete all courses from the following list, and which are part of their major, at the University of Lethbridge: Finance 3412, 3441, 3460, 3480, 4421, 4430, 4451.