Requirements for Degree

The total credit hours for the M.Mus. program is 54.0 credit hours.

a.Course Work (27.0 credit hours)

The required courses for the M.Mus. program are as follows:

Fine Arts 5020 - Information Literacy for the Fine Arts (3.0 credit hours)

Three courses (9.0 credit hours) chosen from offerings of:

Music 5000 - Musicology Seminar (Series) (3.0 credit hours)

Music 5010 - Music Theory Seminar (Series) (3.0 credit hours)

Approved graduate level course in Music (3.0 credit hours)

Students will complete three courses from the following based on whether they intend to culminate the degree with the Performance Capstone (Studio) or Thesis (Research):

One of:

Music 5740 - Research Project I (3.0 credit hours)

Music 5748 - Graduate Studio I (3.0 credit hours)

One of:

Music 5750 - Research Project II (3.0 credit hours)

Music 5758 - Graduate Studio II (3.0 credit hours)

One of:

Music 5840 - Research Project III (3.0 credit hours)

Music 5848 - Graduate Studio III (3.0 credit hours)


A minimum of 6.0 credit hours chosen with the approval of the Supervisory Committee. Possible courses may include:

Music 5000 - Musicology Seminar (Series) (3.0 credit hours)

Music 5010 - Music Theory Seminar (Series) (3.0 credit hours)

Music 5450 - Collaborative Piano - Voice (3.0 credit hours)

Music 5451 - Collaborative Piano - Instruments (3.0 credit hours)

Music 5850 - Special Topics in Music (3.0 credit hours)

Music 5871 - Opera Workshop I (3.0 credit hours)

Music 5872 - Opera Workshop II (3.0 credit hours)

Music Ensemble Activity 5770 - Ensemble I (1.5 credit hours)

Music Ensemble Activity 5775 - Ensemble II (1.5 credit hours)

Music Ensemble Activity 5880 - Ensemble III (1.5 credit hours)

Music Ensemble Activity 5885 - Ensemble IV (1.5 credit hours)

Approved non-Music elective (3.0 credit hours)

Note: The University has significantly higher performance expectations of graduate students than of undergraduate students. Although courses are program-specific, a student may, in consultation with their supervisor, tailor the course work to the needs of the student, with approval from the Program Committee.

b.Performance Capstone

Students emphasizing Studio Performance will complete the Performance Capstone.

During the final term of the M.Mus. program, students must perform a lecture recital. The topic of this lecture recital must be submitted to the Program Committee for approval by no later than June 30th of the first year of the program.

The lecture recital is the ideal synthesis of performance and scholarship for the M.Mus. student, demonstrating his or her application of accumulated skills and knowledge in a public setting. Its duration is typically one hour (30 minutes each for lecture and performance). Questions from the audience may follow the lecture recital. Although the format of the presentation may vary, the basic design is the lecture, illustrated by brief performance excerpts, followed by a complete performance of the work(s) being presented.

The lecture recital will be accompanied by a support paper which is a more formal version of the material presented at the lecture. The lecture recital and support paper will be defended in the Defence/Oral Examination of the Performance Capstone.

Music 6001 - Performance Capstone (27.0 credit hours)


Students emphasizing Research will culminate their program with a Thesis.

A Thesis Proposal must be submitted to the Program Committee for approval by no later than June 30th of the first year of the program. The format and direction of the Thesis must be determined by the student in consultation with the supervisor. Specific elements may vary depending on the proposed Thesis. The proposed Thesis must be approved by the Supervisory Committee. Standards and conventions widely used in Canada and adopted by the University are to be found in the School of Graduate Studies Policies and Procedures manual available at

When complete, the candidate must defend the Thesis in an oral examination (see Defence/Oral Examination of Performance Capstone or Thesis).

Music 6002 - Thesis (27.0 credit hours)

d.Defence/Oral Examination of Performance Capstone or Thesis

Once the supervisor approves the Performance Capstone or Thesis, the Defence/Oral Examination is scheduled by the supervisor.

An Examination Committee is appointed to conduct the final Defence/Oral Examination of Performance Capstone or Thesis in accordance with the procedures described in the School of Graduate Studies Policies and Procedures manual.

A student who fails the Defence/Oral Examination of the Performance Capstone or Thesis may retake the Defence/Oral Examination once. A student who fails the Defence/Oral Examination for the second time is required to withdraw from the M.Mus. program.