Requirements for Degree

During the first year of the M.F.A. program, students complete course work. In the second year of the program, M.F.A. students focus on the research and production of the Thesis. The Thesis will be defended in the Final Oral Examination.

The total credit hours for the M.F.A. program in each Department are as follows:

Department of Art - 42.0 credit hours

Department of Drama - 42.0 credit hours

Department of New Media - 42.0 credit hours

a.Course Work

The required courses for each M.F.A. program are as follows:

M.F.A. - Art majors

Art 5148 - Graduate Studio I (6.0 credit hours)

Art 5149 - Graduate Studio II (6.0 credit hours)

Art 5160 - Theory in Art Studio (3.0 credit hours)

Fine Arts 5020 - Information Literacy for the Fine Arts (3.0 credit hours)

Two electives at the 5000 level, at least one of which must be in Art, Art History, or Museum Studies (6.0 credit hours) chosen in consultation between the student and the supervisor

M.F.A. - Theatre and Dramatic Arts majors

Drama 5148 - Graduate Studio I (6.0 credit hours)

Drama 5149 - Graduate Studio II (6.0 credit hours)

Fine Arts 5020 - Information Literacy for the Fine Arts (3.0 credit hours)

One of:

Drama 5150 - Graduate Theatre Studies (Series) (3.0 credit hours)

Drama 5211 - Graduate Seminar in Theories of Theatre (3.0 credit hours)

Two electives at the 5000 level (6.0 credit hours) chosen in consultation between the student and the supervisor

M.F.A. - New Media majors

Fine Arts 5020 - Information Literacy for the Fine Arts (3.0 credit hours)

New Media 5148 - Graduate Studio I (6.0 credit hours)

New Media 5149 - Graduate Studio II (6.0 credit hours)

New Media 5151 - New Media Theory and History (3.0 credit hours)

Two electives at the 5000 level (6.0 credit hours) chosen in consultation between the student and the supervisor

Note: The University has significantly higher performance expectations of graduate students than of undergraduate students. Although courses are program-specific, a student may, in consultation with their supervisor, tailor the course work to the needs of the student, with approval from the Program Committee.


The Thesis is composed of two parts: the Research Project and the Support Paper.

The Research Project represents the accomplishments of a one-year investigation and results in a performance, production, exhibition, or original work relevant to the particular field of study in which the student is engaged. The Research Project must be defended in a final oral examination (see Final Oral Examination).

The Support Paper is defined by the Program Committee in consultation with the student and the supervisor. The student in consultation with the supervisor must determine the format and direction of the Support Paper. The Supervisory Committee must approve the proposed Support Paper. Specific elements may vary depending on the proposed Thesis. Standards and conventions widely used in Canada and adopted by the University are to be found in the School of Graduate Studies Policies and Procedures manual available at

A Support Paper no less than 30 pages accompanies the Research Project and positions the student’s production within a contemporary discourse. When complete, the candidate must defend the Thesis in an oral examination.

M.F.A. - Art majors

Art 6002 - Thesis (18.0 credit hours)

M.F.A. - Theatre and Dramatic Arts majors

Drama 6002 - Thesis (18.0 credit hours)

M.F.A. - New Media majors

New Media 6002 - Thesis (18.0 credit hours)

c.Final Oral Examination

Once the supervisor approves the Research Project and the Support Paper, and the student is prepared to defend both parts of the Thesis, the Final Oral Examination is scheduled by the supervisor. The grading mode for the research project and the support paper is pass/fail as described in the School of Graduate Studies Policies and Procedures manual available at

An Examination Committee is appointed to conduct the Final Oral Examination in accordance with the procedures described in the School of Graduate Studies Policies and Procedures manual. Once the Thesis is final (i.e., assessed and corrected, if necessary), it must be submitted in electronic formats.

A student who fails the Final Oral Examination may retake the Final Oral Examination once. A student who fails the Final Oral Examination for the second time is required to withdraw from the M.F.A. program.