General Regulations

a.Credit for Previous Work

With the permission of the Program Committee in each case, courses that have not already been credited toward a completed university credential may be accepted for credit in the master’s program.

All courses considered for transfer credit must carry a grade of ‘B-’ or higher and must have been completed no longer than seven years prior to the student's admission to the program.

b.Residence Requirements and Time Limits

Residence is defined as the period during which the student is registered in the program, taking courses, conducting research, or working on the Research Project or Written Thesis at the University of Lethbridge.

The minimum residence requirement shall be 24 months continuous full-time registration in the M.F.A. program. The maximum time limit for degree completion shall be three academic years. If needed, a graduate student may apply for an extension up to one academic year. All required courses and the Thesis must be successfully completed and submitted within the maximum time limit. Failure to complete within this period may result in the candidate being required to withdraw from the program.

Under extenuating circumstances the School of Graduate Studies’ Dean may allow a longer extension.

A student who does not register in the program in any term will be considered to have withdrawn, unless a leave of absence has been approved. Residence requirements must still be met.

With the permission of the student’s supervisor, a student may maintain resident status while conducting research off-campus (e.g., on field trips, using facilities, or consulting libraries elsewhere). It may be necessary for a student to include in his or her program courses to be completed at other institutions. The student’s supervisor must approve proposals for these courses.

c.Leave of Absence

See Academic Regulations, Leave of Absence.

d.Academic Standards

A student must receive a minimum grade of ‘B-’ (2.70 on the University of Lethbridge 4.00 scale) in all courses which are graded and which count toward the degree. A student who receives more than two grades below a ‘B-’ may be asked to withdraw from the program. Students must present a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 in all courses in order to graduate from the M.F.A. program. A student whose performance in the program is judged to be unsatisfactory by the relevant Graduate Program Committee or by the School of Graduate Studies may be placed on probation; continued unsatisfactory performance may result in the student being required to withdraw from the program.


Students should consult the full description of the University policies on Program Appeals, Appeal of Grade, Student Discipline Policy - Academic Offences, and Student Discipline Policy - Non-Academic Offences (see Academic Regulations, Student Policies).

f.Academic Offences and Discipline

A graduate student is expected to exemplify high standards of academic and ethical behaviour and is subject to the University’s student discipline and ethical behaviour policies.


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