Physics   (PHYS)

Faculty of Arts and Science

Physics 5005

Advanced Electrodynamics

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

Advanced topics in theoretical electrodynamics. General topics covered will include Green's functions, boundary value problems, multipole expansions, waveguides, resonant cavities, radiating systems, scattering, dynamics of relativistic particles, collisions, and radiation damping. More advanced and special topics may include optical properties of matter, non-linear optics, plasmonic lenses, optoelectronic devices, frequency doubling in lasers, metamaterials, and photonic crystals.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.Sc. program

Physics 5015

Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

Advanced topics in quantum mechanical theory. General topics will include path integrals, perturbation theory, semi-classical approximation, and quantum angular momentum. More advanced and special topics may include quantum statistical mechanics, Dirac equation and relativistic quantum mechanics, Aharanov-Bohm effect, quantum optics, coherent states, Casimir effect, quantum entanglement, and quantum computing.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.Sc. program

Physics 5300

Theoretical Physics I

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

Advanced topics in theoretical physics relevant to current research. Independent thinking, presentation and writing skills.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.Sc. program

Physics 5325

Theoretical Physics II

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

Advanced topics in theoretical physics relevant to current research. Independent thinking, presentation and writing skills.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.Sc. program

Physics 5500

Experimental Physics I

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-1.5-0

Advanced topics in experimental physics relevant to current research. Independent thinking, presentation and writing skills.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.Sc. program

Physics 5525

Experimental Physics II

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-1.5-0

Advanced topics in experimental physics relevant to current research. Independent thinking, presentation and writing skills.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.Sc. program

Physics 7300

Theoretical Physics I

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

Advanced topics in theoretical physics relevant to current research. Independent thinking, presentation and writing skills.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the Ph.D. program

Physics 7325

Theoretical Physics II

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

Advanced topics in theoretical physics relevant to current research. Independent thinking, presentation and writing skills.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the Ph.D. program

Physics 7500

Experimental Physics I

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-1.5-0

Advanced topics in experimental physics relevant to current research. Independent thinking, presentation and writing skills.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the Ph.D. program

Physics 7525

Experimental Physics II

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-1.5-0

Advanced topics in experimental physics relevant to current research. Independent thinking, presentation and writing skills.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the Ph.D. program