Nursing   (NURS)

Faculty of Health Sciences

Nursing 5100

Nursing Ethics, Policy, and Politics

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

This course uses advanced studies in nursing ethics as a foundation for understanding the nursing profession in the context and politics of the health care system. Critical reasoning will be key to discussions of ethical dilemmas arising from nursing practice. Trends and issues within the nursing profession will be explored in relation to the politics of health care at the micro and macro level. The influence of nursing on social and health policy will be used to inspire student accountability and responsibility within health care environments.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.N. program

Nursing 5110

Health Research: Critique, Synthesis, and Application

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

In this course, students will examine the research process in-depth and develop an advanced understanding of both qualitative and quantitative methodology. Students will critique study designs, methodology, and conclusions, synthesize these understandings, and apply that knowledge to nursing problems and issues using principles of knowledge translation and uptake. The course will address the challenges of implementing evidence-informed nursing practice.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.N. program

Nursing 5120

Nursing as Art and Science

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

Students will explore the foundations of the nursing profession by discussing the work and contributions of nursing philosophers, theorists and scientists. Nursing knowledge will be discussed as a product of the interaction between nursing philosophy, theory, practice and research. The complexity of nursing as an artistic expression of nursing knowledge in practice will be revealed in discussions of nursing care situations.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.N. program

Nursing 5130

Practice Experience

Credit hours: 3.00

Other hours per term: 8-0-48

Students gain focused practice experience in a health/ social service/educational setting under the supervision of a professional who will facilitate the student's learning goals in that environment. This experience is supplemented by regularly scheduled tutorial sessions during which students are expected to share insights and learning with classmates. Students explore a nursing role new to them or study a familiar nursing role in depth. Participation in this course will likely generate ideas for subsequent student project or Thesis topics.

Prerequisite(s):Nursing 5100 AND
Nursing 5120


Nursing 5140

Populations and Places for Nursing Practice

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

Students will learn about the nuances of practising nursing with a variety of client populations in a diverse range of settings. The variation in populations may be based on age, race, culture, education, economic status or place of residence. This analysis of differences will be the foundation for an identification of the commonalities of nursing practice in all settings, with all populations. Knowledge gained may be directly relevant to subsequent student project or thesis topics.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.N. program

Nursing 5150

Project Development Seminar

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

This course is for students who have selected the project route. Participants will engage in student-led dialogue and debate about the process and components of developing and executing a project. Included will be key issues such as project format standards, time management, interdisciplinary integration of knowledge, and knowledge-to-action strategies. Students will participate in peer review and presentation activities in a blended learning format.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.N. program


Nursing 5160

Thesis Proposal Seminar

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

This course is intended to support and assist students in the preparation of a Thesis proposal and to facilitate the transition from course work to a masters-level research study. Participants will engage in student-led dialogue and debate about the process and components of designing, developing, and executing a scientific inquiry. Included will be key issues such as Thesis format standards, psychological and time management demands, committee formation, human subject research committee (ethics) review preparation, and project management. Students will participate in peer review and presentation activities in a blended learning format.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.N. program


Nursing 5170

Teaching and Learning in Nursing

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

Students in this course will examine the integration of learning-teaching principles and theory into the practice of nursing in clinical and educational settings. The use of creative approaches to support the growth of learner knowledge and skills will be emphasized. Students will select a focus for their assignments - clients and families, healthcare staff members or nursing students.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.N. program

Nursing 5180

Concepts and Innovations in Nursing Practice

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

This course gives students an opportunity to explore an aspect of nursing practice or health care delivery in depth. The aspect selected could be related to the client/patient/family, the care provider/ health care team, and/or the health care system. Knowledge of change and leadership theories will provide a foundation for understanding how nurses can demonstrate leadership and innovation related to the aspect of focus.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.N. program

Nursing 5999

Master of Nursing Placeholder

Credit hours: 0.00

This is a placeholder for students admitted to the M.N. program who are not registered in a course in a particular term.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.N. program

Grading:'X' grade

Nursing 6001


Credit hours: 12.00

Contact hours per week: Variable

Satisfactory Thesis will include a written report and an oral defence examination that meets expectations of the School of Graduate Studies.

Prerequisite(s):Nursing 5110 AND
Nursing 5130 AND
Nursing 5140

Corequisite(s):Nursing 5160


Nursing 6002

Final Project

Credit hours: 6.00

Contact hours per week: Variable

The project involves the development of a product or process that could be used to improve a nursing practice or nursing education setting. Students may focus the project on topics related to the client/patient/family, the care provider/ health care team, the health care system, or the nursing education setting.

Prerequisite(s):Nursing 5110 AND
Nursing 5130 AND
Nursing 5140 AND
Nursing 5150 AND
Nursing 5170 AND
Nursing 5180 AND
Health Sciences 5510
