Management   (MGT)

Dhillon School of Business

Management 5011

Co-op Work Experience I

Credit hours: 0.00

Co-op Work Experience I requires the student to complete a Work Term successfully, be evaluated by the Co-op Coordinator and employer, and complete a Work Term report graded by an assigned faculty member.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the Co-operative Education option in the M.Sc. (Management) program


Management 5012

Co-op Work Experience II

Credit hours: 0.00

Co-op Work Experience II requires the student to complete a Work Term successfully, be evaluated by the Co-op Coordinator and employer, and complete a Work Term report graded by an assigned faculty member.

Prerequisite(s):Management 5011


Management 5013

Co-op Work Experience III

Credit hours: 0.00

Co-op Work Experience III requires the student to complete a Work Term successfully, be evaluated by the Co-op Coordinator and employer, and complete a Work Term report graded by an assigned faculty member.

Prerequisite(s):Management 5012


Management 5014

Co-op Work Experience IV

Credit hours: 0.00

Co-op Work Experience IV requires the student to complete a Work Term successfully, be evaluated by the Co-op Coordinator and employer, and complete a Work Term report graded by an assigned faculty member.

Prerequisite(s):Management 5013


Management 5100

Orientation, Research and Skill Development

Credit hours: 0.00

Other hours per term: 0-0-32

Introduction to Master of Science (Management) program philosophy, structure, skills and participants. Examples of topics discussed include: IT and Systems support, Research Workshops, project management, time management, Library resources, and individual research interests with faculty.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.Sc. (Management) program
Admission to another graduate program at the University of Lethbridge


Management 5115

Research Workshops

Credit hours: 0.00

Other hours per term: 0-0-32

Workshops will be held to assist students in completing their degree requirements and in developing their thesis.

Prerequisite(s):Management 5100
Admission to another graduate program at the University of Lethbridge


Management 5130

Ways of Knowing

Credit hours: 1.50

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

This course will examine the nature of scientific research. Students will gain an understanding of the philosophy behind positivist and interpretivist approaches to social science, as well as criticisms of these and other approaches. The course will address induction, confirmation, the importance of falsification, the role of theory n research, paradigm assessment, paradigm shifts, conceptualization, limitations of the scientific method, and Indigenous ways of knowing.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.Sc. (Management) program
Admission to another graduate program at the University of Lethbridge

Note:Management 5130 is a six-week course.

Management 5140

Academic Literature Review

Credit hours: 1.50

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

This course will introduce students to the skills needed to locate, organize, and synthesize literature to develop a literature review. Types of literature reviews will be discussed as well as related tools. How to read an academic article will be reviewed. Identifying and avoiding plagiarism will also be examined.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to a graduate program at the University of Lethbridge

Substantially Similar:
Management 5850 Academic Literature Review (prior to 2021/2022)

Note:Management 5140 is a six-week course

Management 5150

Research Methods in Management

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

A comprehensive introduction to and application of research methods in the field of Management. Topics include, for example, research designs (e.g., experimental, ex post facto); data gathering, analysis, and interpretation; research and the issue of relevance, ethical issues in research.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to a graduate program at the University of Lethbridge

Management 5160

Qualitative Methods and Analysis

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

A comprehensive introduction and application of qualitative research methods in the field of Management. Provides an in-depth analysis of the conceptual and practical issues to be considered when engaging in qualitative research. Topics include, for example, the general categories of ethnography, interviews, focus groups, documentary analysis, content analysis, and discourse analysis.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to a graduate program at the University of Lethbridge

Management 5170

Data Management and Statistical Techniques I

Credit hours: 1.50

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

A comprehensive introduction and application of univariate and bivariate statistical techniques. From a Social Scientist perspective, the following statistical topics, for example, may be examined: data management, descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, non-parametric statistics, univariate statistics (t-tests, ANOVA), and correlation.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to a graduate program at the University of Lethbridge

Note:Management 5170 is a six-week course.

Management 5175

Data Management and Statistical Techniques II

Credit hours: 1.50

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

An introduction to and application of measurement assessment and multivariate statistical techniques in Management. The following statistical topics will be examined: measurement; linear regression; analysis of variance; and factor analysis. Structural equation modelling and other topics may be covered if time permits.

Prerequisite(s):Management 5170

Note:All prerequisite courses must have a minimum 'B-' grade. Management 5175 is a six-week course.

Management 5200

Major Seminar I (Series)

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

This course is intended to be a survey course of the discipline. It provides an introduction to significant research areas and methods within the major for which faculty are competent to supervise research. Both published and working papers may be reviewed and discussed by the instructors and students.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to a graduate program at the University of Lethbridge

Management 5225

Major Seminar II (Series)

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

This course will provide additional depth in particular topics, skills, or methods to facilitate students' work on their intended thesis research topic.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.Sc. (Management) program
Admission to another graduate program at the University of Lethbridge

Management 5230

Major Seminar III

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

This course will provide additional depth in particular topics, skills, or methods to facilitate students' work on their intended thesis research topic.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to a graduate program at the University of Lethbridge

Management 5300

Thesis Proposal Development

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

The purpose of this course is to provide guidance to students as they develop their thesis proposal. The proposal should reflect the skills and knowledge provided in their program, and be of sufficient quality that it could be defended by the end of the course, or shortly thereafter.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to a graduate program at the University of Lethbridge

Note:Students must have a minimum 'B-' grade in Management 5110, Management 5120, Management 5130, Management 5170, and Management 5200. Students must have a minimum 'B-' grade in all graded courses in the previous module.