Chemistry   (CHEM)

Faculty of Arts and Science

Chemistry 5250

Advanced Contemporary Chemistry

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

Current developments in Chemistry at the graduate level with a focus on leading-edge developments in the discipline. Specific topics will be presented each week by invited speakers, staff and by the graduate students themselves.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the M.Sc. program

Substantially Similar:
Chemistry 7250

Chemistry 7250

Advanced Contemporary Chemistry

Credit hours: 3.00

Contact hours per week: 3-0-0

Current developments in Chemistry at the graduate level with a focus on leading-edge developments in the discipline. Specific topics will be presented each week by invited speakers, staff and by the graduate students themselves.

Prerequisite(s):Admission to the Ph.D. program

Substantially Similar:
Chemistry 5250